I drove to my house, and on the way, we picked up some fast food and snacks, and a singing Jeong beside me burst my ears.
We soon reached my house, we got fresh before and I came Jeong started with the karaoke on the speakers blasting through the house. 
I arranged the snacks on the table and oppa bought the drinks or I can say sodas we all don't drink. Even Oppa has become customary to our sleepovers so he also joins us, our karaoke lasted for 2 hours with laughing, giggling, and running after each other for snacks like kids but those memories are something to cherish, it's just Jeong and Oppas with whom I am myself,  those are the people in my life I will always cherish. 
After a tiring session of karaoke and munching on snacks jeong slept in my room, but I couldn't so came down and stared at the moon while standing on the balcony which is connected to the garden, today it's a full moon day and the moonlight making the wet grass shine, a calming environment just with the sounds of insects, right now i am thinking what am i doing is it right or wrong, what would be the right decision?. I was deep in my thoughts when oppa came and side hugged me 

Y - What happened princess? why aren't you sleeping 

S - Just didn't feel like sleeping (both sat on the couch in balcony)

Y - Why? what's on your mind?

S - Oppa what am i doing is it right, taehyung-sshi is an innocent soul i don't want him to drag into this. 

Y - Princess don't think like that, what if it would have been a love marriage, you would have not been so anxious there you would have married knowing each other and here you are going to know each other after marriage.

S - But still oppa 

Y - See sora what if taehyung would have been a mafia and you would have been in his place, you would have stood with him without thinking twice and he is doing the same, it's just the mentality of the people that they think only men can protect their wife but even a wife can't protect her husband, the main priority is that you both would give each other the time and understanding, you both are matured and not mad to take decisions without thinking, even he would have thought something, even after you telling him everything he didn't back off means he have the faith in you and you should also have faith in him don't let that waver you. At some point of life you would have been here but better than tomorrow you are doing it now. If you are doing it then do it with full confidence and give this a chance without any doubts, if he ready and asking for a chance then give him that.

S - Oppa after talking to you why everything seems so easy and light. 

Y - Because i am oppa princess and don't worry this time you wouldn't hurt, he is good guy.

S - How do you know about him? and also the matter about giving chance how did you know that he asked me ?

Y - Well you know mafia habits i left a device and heard everything i was just worried about you princess and also do you think i would agree to fix the marriage without checking who is he. I asked eunwoo to get all details about him when dad informed me about this. And you know that we can get the darkest information so i did and he is a good guy. i am not a mad person who would give my princess to just anyone, that too appa's choice no way so i did my research.

S - OPPA!!!!

Y - I am sorry princess i should have told you.(he said while hugging me), and don't worry no one has the courage to attack us princess and that too without any information.

S - Hmmmm and did you inform other oppas too?

Y - No still haven't i was waiting for your decision, now they are gonna kill me as i didn't inform them earlier and even you weren't at the office to inform.

S - Oppa go and inform them right now before jin oppa beat you with his pink slippers. 😂😂

Y - Don't laugh at me, i am going you wait here we will have ice cream.

S - Ok!!

Sora was scrolling her instagram when she got a notification from taehyung and they started chatting, after  few minutes yoongi came with two ice cream bowls and beside her.

S - Oppa did you- 

Y - I know what you are gonna say i asked jeong but she was in her deep sleep and wasn't responding and i informed hyungs and they almost made my ears bleed from the shouting.

S - 😂😂😂😂

Y - Yaaahhhh is this funny to you, here i am taking your punishment and you are here laughing.

S - Oppa you are looking so cute like this now let's eat ice cream it will melt, and also i am not coming to office tomorrow as taehyung asked me come with him for the selection of the venue so i will be with him.

Y - Ok i will talk to hyungs but at least meet them in the evening.

S - Obviously oppa we are going to meet tomorrow at night, you remember?

Y - Yes i of course do.

Then they went and slept waiting for the new morning. 

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