43 : Cruise

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— N o o r ' s P O V 𖤐

" I knew no one could be Noor. My mind and heart was only occupied with you. only you."

" I was longing to be with you from past four years, I only wanted you! "

As I recalled Addin's words from earlier, a warm blush spread across my cheeks, accompanied by a wide smile.

From the moment he dropped me off from the office to my university, a silly grin was plastered on my face.

His words warmed my chest.

I fell in love with him some more!

The sincerity and truthfulness in his eyes tugged at my heartstrings. His eyes, they held pain, it was as if talking about those four years gave him immense pain and it shattered my heart into pieces.

In that moment, I realized how wrong I had been to assume that he had many girlfriends, when in real he was waiting for me.

Just before my first lecture, I received a call from bhaijaan. He told me that he wants to tell me something very important, His voice carried a sense of urgency.

He also revealed to me that his business is shifting in Australia, so he is leaving London permanently. The news hit me like a wave, and a mix of emotions flooded my heart. I knew that I needed to meet him before he go.

I hopped into the cab, ditching the university. my heart racing with anticipation.

A uneasy feeling filled my being, knowing that I hadn't informed Addin about me going to meet bhaijaan, because I knew that he would get beyond furious.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of unhappiness and restlessness that consumed me. It was hard to put a name to what I was feeling. i wanted to meet bhaijaan but at the same time
I could hear my heart screaming, telling me that I was making a mistake by keeping it a secret from Addin.

But the fear of never being able to see my bhai again overshadowed all other thoughts.

I found it really strange that bhaijaan wanted to meet on a cruise. I couldn't help but wonder why he picked such an unusual place. And guess what? He actually owns his own cruise!

I was glad that he is a successful businessman. though he didn't specify to me what kind of business he's into.

As I reached the seashore, there stood my bhai.
The last time I saw him 4 years back, he had clean-cut, manly look I remember. But now it was replaced with rugged transformation with a massive beard.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I gazed at him, a flood of emotions rushing through me.

He softly smiled at me and without a second thought, I sprinted towards him, my heart pounding in my chest. As I reached him, his smile widen and I immediately hugged him.

I felt his hand patting my head softly.

" how have you been Noor ? " he asked, making me break the hug.

" I'm good bhai, how are you? " I sniffed, smiling through my glassy eyes.

Bhaijaan muttered out a 'I'm fine'.

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