Warner Williams

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“Warner, what happened hon?” He didn’t convince himself to speak that, but only she could’ve helped him and she deserved to know what Cody had done. Warner knew if he shared this conversation with Jennifer, she would definitely help him out. So, he did tell everything he heard just to see her face turn pale like his did at the backyard.
“Warner Oh no. This,” She was at loss of words her eyes were turned wide which Warner assumed taking time to digest what she heard.
“I have one lawyer. Maybe he could help.” Jennifer finally spoke after a long pause.
“I can’t leave you with that guy.” Jennifer sighed of course this was expected from her the fear was inevitable, her tone showed she was shocked as well. Now what was important for Warner was to find out how many bad deeds his so-called father had done, which are hidden but soon should be revealed by Warner. Fear had got a hold of him thinking a thought he wanted to avoid but as people say you can’t hide anything from God and mother was now true.
“Do you fear that Song’s going missing has something to do with Cody?” Warner nodded until he heard a familiar voice which made him feel at ease, but also made him angry at the same
“Don’t worry Warner, I will protect you.” Jennifer console knowing how much Warner was scared after finding out the truth.
“Why would you do that?” They heard a loud tone which was Cody’s and rushed downstairs to see 2 police-officer’s holding Song’s arms while he hung his head low, he was still in those clothes he had on last night. As much Warner felt at ease, he was still mad. Why would you scare me like that? He wanted to ask but he didn’t care, or that’s what he wanted to show. Warner’s eyes fell on Commissioner present there as well. June in the corner with his head hung low.
Cody looked at Song, Owen’s face seemed like he really wanted to punch Cody while Lucy was at ease but at the same time worried.
“I asked why would you do that!”
“What did he do? Stop screaming dad.” Warner defended Song and felt June’s eyes fall on him.
“He showed he will always be a Hart, never a Williams.” Warner couldn’t understand what the heck Cody was trying to say and regretted going upstairs for a short span of time. He rolled his eyes.
“Song hurt Jeremy Young who is my daughter-in-law’s father.” Commissioner chimed in and his existence made Warner disgusted, Song? Hurt someone? He could never do that. Warner thought until he saw a man in his late 40’s at the side with a sprain in his left foot along with Gabriella who was crying. Song inhaled deeply not trying to get out of the officer’s grip.
“Song-” Cody moved closer to Song but Owen held him back and went there instead.
“Song-Song, why did you hurt your Uncle Jeremy?” Owen asked, softly and showed he knew Jeremy, should’ve been this way in his childhood, Warner scoffed. To his surprise Song looked up.
“Ask him why I hurt him.” His eye-brows raised, while he looked disturbed explaining himself, Owen turned to look at Jeremy whose face was pale, hard to figure if it was by getting hurt, or by something different.
“Why did he hurt you?” Owen interrogated. He would make an intimidating lawyer.
“Why would I do something Owen, I bumped into him at the street.” Jeremy’s tone was wobbly convulsively out of fear, like a victim so Warner looked at Song who instantly tilted his head towards Jeremy, strangely fierce gaze.
“You son has a serious issue. I could lock him up in the prison for this,” Commissioner boasted, did he had to boast now? He wended towards Song with the handcuffs, and Warner’s heart sunk at the thought and it seemed the same for Lucy
“Why are you doing this without hearing what he has to say?” Lucy argued and Commissioner locked the handcuffs, he turned to Lucy with a smirk. Warner shook his head, Evil, he is evil.
“Can’t you classify who is the victim here Mrs. Williams?” With his eye-brow raised, even tone and Lucy crinkled her eyes, Gabriella kept crying holding Jeremy’s hand.
“We can but, sometimes a victim can camouflage himself as a victim, Commissioner Fred.” Jennifer smiled and Warner could see Commissioner’s smile fade. But Jeremy did look like a victim. His foot covered in plaster; lips turned blue. He was destroyed.
“We will let your son out in a week,” Turned to face Song “Or until he accepts his fault.” Commissioner snickered and made Warner wonder who exactly is at fault.
“You can’t do that.” Owen blurted
“Because the street people can give their statement,” Commissioner said as the officer’s held on to Song, who didn’t even defend himself, so it was inevitable for Warner to suspect him.
“No leave him, I don’t want to lock him up.” Jeremy uttered and Commissioner grimaced.
“Owen is my best-friend from years and I can’t see him break, I forgive Song.” Jeremy inhaled deeply and Gabriella’s eyes grew looking at his father.
“You can’t dad, he hurt you. He shouldn’t be forgiven!” Gabriella snapped and Warner felt bad for a moment.
“I am not apologizing to you.” Song jeered, his face turned red, this was the first time Warner had seen Song so mad.
“Song! Why would you say that?” Cody yelled finding his way to Song and Owen pushed him away.
“Why the fuck are you interfering in this? Jeremy is my friend, not yours and Song is my son, not yours.” Owen shouted and Commissioner smiled at Warner who froze.
“Do you still want to forgive him?”
“I said I don’t want to lock him up!” Jeremy yelled and stopped seeing all eyes on him and something terrified Warner at the moment Song’s smile at Jeremy, a smile that seem to intensify Jeremy’s terror.
“Fine!” Commissioner scoffed and unlocked the handcuffs.
“Are you okay?” Warner heard June who was now beside him, in all these chaos he couldn’t notice that.
“I am sort of. Did you accompany these douche officers?”
“No! I saved Jeremy’s ass or else he would have died from weird Song’s hands.” June scoffed,
Song beat him? That is impossible.

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