Warner Williams

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“Shawn, what are you doing here?” Commissioner’s voice was loud piercing the ear-drums of Warner, Song’s jaw was dropped but he went back to contemplating again, he was the same age as Shawn! Commissioner could comprehend the situation yet kept asking stupid questions.
“I will see you later.” Shawn turned to Jennifer who instantly smiled all teeth, her eyes got small and Warner could say she was happy.
“Jennifer.” He smiled, that too all teeth and left the room waving at the 2 speechless security guards who bowed and then bowed again Commissioner clasped Shawn while Cody glared at Jennifer.
“What was he doing in your room?”
“That’s funny you need to ask that.” Jennifer chuckled, and looked at Lucy whose lips were parted with shock.
“I studied about law and you shouldn’t ask your ex-wife those questions once you’re divorced.” She said and Shawn laughed at that
“You remember.” Shawn smiled and brushed off Commissioner’s hand off his wrist. “Protect him till the exit and I promise to tell you everything.” Jennifer turned to Warner who nodded without any second thoughts, of course she wouldn’t do anything without any reason, Warner assured and followed Shawn along with Commissioner. The weather was blue and beautiful only if he could’ve make-up with Lily, Shawn finally stopped at the car.
“Shawn, what were you doing in her room?” Commissioner seemed mad, “I don’t want to talk about this.” Shawn said barely with any emotions or efforts in his speaking tone until Commissioner clasped around his fore-arm.
“Do you even know that woman’s age?” He was now feeling like one of those 2 security guards; begrudging them for the amount of drama they might see every-day, of course a person who does bad should never be happy. “Let go.” Shawn said glancing at the grip the commissioner had on his fore-arm,
“43 Shawn, she’s 43 years old for crying out loud! What about you? What is your age?” Shawn looked away then at the Commissioner he grimaced at him, “You don’t know? I am 18 for crying out loud!” Warner stifled back the urge to laugh by biting his bottom lip,
“Calculate the difference young man,” Shawn squinted his eyes and scratched his fore-head, “Dad, my degree has nothing to do with calculations and math but it’s 25.” Commissioner exhaled pulling Shawn closer, “That’s not even your age right now, the half year of her existence is not even your current age, Shawn.” That is truly hilarious Warner himself is nearly turning 18 In July.
“I don’t want you to hang out with her.”
“We were not hanging out.”
“Then- What were you-” Commissioner regretted saying that and brushed his hands through his black hair with grey trespasses.
“She’s half-way through your age, she’s too old for you!” He finally bellowed out, his voice was sharp forehead crumbled in lines, his voice could’ve damaged any person’s eardrums that’s what Warner felt standing few meters away from them, feeling pity for Shawn’s ears “Your mother didn’t pay me enough to take this shit of yours son, you should show some gratitude,” Shawn sighed, squeezed his eyes shut and Warner felt a pang in his heart for Shawn’s face turning pale,
“Why are you so worried about her age?” Shawn finally spoke, low and slower, Commissioner clasped his hand across his mouth and it seemed to Warner that he was contemplating his words,
“Fine I won’t hang out with Jennifer, then will you answer my questions?” Shawn raised his eye-brows exaggerating ‘hang out’. Commissioner didn’t speak.
“Where were you when the man twice my age kept hitting me?” Warner felt his heart sunk into his stomach, Commissioner got his son beaten up by someone, for what-? Warner thought, his eyes were squinted by the possibility of Commissioner’s reasons, maybe it had something to do with the Bella case is what Warner assumed,
“Where were you dad?” Commissioner turned his face away from him “You were there, watching Cody beat me, hit me and what you did then dad? Got my finger-prints on those weapons, I can’t even decipher why would you use for 18-year-old girl?” His eyes turned moist, the hurt was reflecting in his wobbly tone and Warner would’ve taken the moment to bash down the commissioner but he still yet had to find every detail about it before taking any action, Commissioner clasped his shoulders, expression Warner couldn’t comprehend and was more raged at the fact Cody hit Shawn, he was the one who manipulated him to stay clean, that’s disgusting.
“I am sorry, I won’t let you go to jail,” Ingratiating tone, smart jack ass Commissioner, Warner thought. “Wouldn’t make a difference.” Shawn shook his head, his lips pursed, eyes were still moist,
“It’s way worse outside than it would ever get in those 3 walls,” His shoulders were stiff and the Commissioner had a sense of guilt on his face but that was too late for it,
“Those eyes staring at me with disgust, mumbling I can possibly and unfortunately hear, ‘Unfortunate Commissioner Fred is a father of a Rapist, an animal, an inhumane Shawn Hutchins’ is all I hear.” Warner inhaled the hard rock words he felt bad to hear imagining then, how would’ve Shawn felt hearing it.
“I will take an action against that, I promise,” Commissioner stifled his sigh “I could cut him down, how the fuck this Rapist walk out on the roads when he should be already dead and if he can’t let’s just kill him, kill Shawn Hutchins, a Rapist, an inhumane.” Shawn recited his gaze focused on the Commissioner,
“I won’t let this repeat, please give me a chance son.” He found Shawn’s hands caressing them, then his face he finally brushed his hand through his hair, “You want a chance to redeem our relationship?” Shawn’s eyes grew broad, as if curious,
“Yes. I promise I will make it up.” Commissioner cupped Shawn’s face, “Fine then…” He nodded exhaling sharply,
“I want Bella back,” Commissioner’s eyes widened, his lips were parted, “Shawn, sweetie…Honey, I-”
“Bring her back, I want her back, alive.” Shawn stated, his tone was weak, helpless Warner’s heart shattered in his chest.
“I can’t. I am sorry honey I can’t bring her.” Commissioner’s eyes softened at his son, his stupidity had ruined this relationship, Warner thought.
“Why can’t you? You killed her, then you should also bring her back, My Bella back.” Finally, a tear escaped his eyes and then another and another until he was silently crying, surprisingly even though Shawn wasn’t speaking Warner could still hear the yells, his screams hidden deep behind those tears, he sniffled pushing his hand off his hands getting inside his car and the Commissioner stayed there quiet and Warner sighed  Aster called him,
“Mr. Warner, Mr. June called you but said he couldn’t reach you.” He informed and Warner pursed his lips realizing he kept it at the living room.
“You framed this to help Shawn confront his father?” Warner was amused at the plan he couldn’t decipher how Jennifer and Shawn came up with and also relaxed that he wouldn’t have to call a boy younger than him, his step-dad. Jennifer smiled and opened some papers,
“The reports were sent by Samuel, June gave this to me last night,” That is why June kept calling him, Warner assumed.
“You read it?” Warner was worried, who might’ve tried to nearly kill him, his cheeks turned hot.
“You weren’t home.” Jennifer said and her face turned dull, she bit her upper lip generating anxiety in Warner, he bit his nails standing up and slowly taking the paper from her hands, Warner read the paper and inhaled a deep breathe then turned to Jennifer.
“I can’t believe this, this can be wrong I mean this has to be wrong.” Warner shook his head then inclining on the door impatiently he sat on his bed both his hands on each side of his head, a strange detached emotion flooding in, like everyone he knew were all along wearing a mask, first his own father and now it was the person he trusted the most,
“Aster’s finger-prints matches.” Warner inhaled the wobbly breathes making himself curl into a ball, detached, hurt, Commissioner was right, Aster did this, He nearly killed me, He was the one who braked the fails and I protected him, Warner didn’t notice he was whimpering. The door opened, “Warner, the finger-prints-” June’s voice imparted his presence, a moment of silence before he finally rested his hand on his shoulders, Warner lifted up his head.
“I protected him- he did that to me- he June,”
“It’s okay, I know.” His voice slower, and Warner pointed at June’s red cheek “Did he hit you as well?” June’s hand covered his cheek instantly shaking his head as no “No, he didn’t.”
“I don’t know whom to trust anymore,” Jennifer scowled taking a seat beside Warner, “I won’t let you stay here anymore we’re leaving today.” Warner inhaled comprehending her concern contemplating what made Aster do this to him? What was his purpose?
“Where? Doesn’t that Aster know where you live? He knows you live in L.A, we can’t risk Warner’s life again.” June said turning to Jennifer, biting her upper lip she nodded,
“We will not stay in L.A, after all we can’t run away from the case.”
“Then? Where will you live?” June squinted his eyes, his fingers in a tight fist,
“I have a place in mind. Warner, pack your stuff, we’re leaving this house.” Jennifer imparted, her voice stern with determination. Warner nodded getting up but stopped clasping his hands around the Wardrobe’s handle, Song, what about Song? I can’t leave him here alone what if he gets in trouble living here. Warner inhaled a deep sigh, I haven’t even got to ask him about that scar he has, who gave it to him, he will be unsafe in this mansion, dad might hurt him again and Lucy! She will still stay quiet, all the reasons gripped Warner’s mind. “Son, what are you doing?” Warner turned to Jennifer “I can’t leave without Song.” Jennifer’s lips parted glancing at June. “Dad might hurt him again and Aster, what-what if he tried to hurt Song? You saw Lucy, she won’t fight for him. Mom, I can’t.”
“Warner, sweetie we can’t take Song, Lucy is here and Walter is here. I fear he can’t leave them alone.” Her eyes widened,
“He has to, Mom.” Warner’s voice became wobbly, they don’t know the scar, how could they understand my concern? Warner sighed.
“I will keep an eye on him, I promise I will make sure Song stays safe, but for now Warner,” June wended towards Warner and clasped his hands on his shoulder. “Keep your-self safe, pack your clothes and evacuate this place. Please do this.” June pleaded, eyes softened,
“Please. I can’t let anything to happen to you, Warner. Mom is worried” Warner nodded his mother’s eye-brows raised, lips pursed, He turned to the Wardrobe packing his stuff. 
Crème curtains long till the ground covered the balcony, who hates such perfect sun-light? Warner judged, well-furnished black furniture contrasting to the white back-ground of the house, minimalistic atmosphere, then a deep heavy voice and the familiar fragrance in his presence of byredo bibliotheque.
“You can find the kitchen appliances in the 2nd shelf.”
“Thanks, Samuel. I could only trust you with them.” June smiled and Jennifer smiled at him too,
“By the way it’s been a long time since we last met.” Samuel extended his hand forward for a hand-shake, Jennifer shook it.
“You know each-other way before meeting at the court?” Warner glanced off Samuel. “Yes. When I was in Hawaii, surprisingly he’s the one who was going to fight our case.” Jennifer, a little too excited which Warner didn’t like towards Samuel. He squinted his eyes at him,
“Hi Warner.” He waved “Your son has quite a temper.” Jennifer turned to Warner, eye-brows raised, “Have you met before too?’
“No, his elder brother works as a management consultant at dad’s company.” Jennifer nodded smiling at Samuel.
“We are sorry to bother you. Your privacy won’t be invaded.” Jennifer assured and June looked at Samuel, bursting into laughter. “What happened?” He asked,
“What do you mean to say by privacy?”
“Your private life, you might have a girl-friend, every young boy has one.” More like a question, Jennifer rubbed her neck.
“I-I don’t have one yet.” Voice smaller than before
“Maybe because you’re too busy meeting someone-else’s.” Warner beamed hinting Samuel about their first encounter. It was safe to say he was not still over it. I won’t punch him while he’s asleep, I won’t kick him in mom’s absence.

The Book Boy's Revenge 1 (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz