Warner Williams

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“I don’t usually stay all day at home. I work in Library you know it’s easier to find books there.” He added without breaking the link glancing at Warner who stifled his chuckle back.

“Make yourself at home, I will be back.” Samuel to Jennifer, she waved and rushed into the kitchen, she opened the refrigerator keeping the fresh vegetables she purchased on the way, some snacks and other ingredients.

Warner drew out his phone checking if Lily had seen his text. She had every right to be mad. If only Warner would’ve apologized to her instead of getting mad at her.

“Who hit you?” Samuel’s indistinct voice, Warner scoffed and scooted over to close the door.

“A girl, stupidly weird but hot girl.” His voice filled with something like desire “She thought I was a bad boy.” Warner rolled his eyes at June still not changing his dirty ways of approaching girls.

“Stupidly weird hot girl? Hmm… is this the maid you told me about?”
“Nah, she is an old chapter now, this one is weirdly exciting and I might actually ask her out,” A pause “So hot really.”

“To play her?” Samuel and Warner scoffed together “Aha, I don’t think so, she is different and I might actually make her my first girl-friend.” June paused and chuckled “Wow, Samuel I understand your mindset of serious relationships.”

“Who’s she then?” Samuel asked,
“My deliciously and stupidly weird hot girl crush?” Obscene, so obscene, Warner mumbled.

“Whoa- Wow this is new… She might really change you.” Warner got amused at the thought as well, June who from the age of 15 to 19 hated the idea of relationships was excited about finally pursuing someone.

“Gabriella Young.” A long pause, Shawn’s fiancé, that should be good after all no one of them looked serious about their forced engagement.
“Gabriella Young? You know Shawn said she didn’t like him and he is also not into her?”

“I know… That’s great for you June.” Samuel gasped
“I know! God! I like her so much. I will tell Warner too, hang on for a second.” The door opened and June’s big smile slowly faded, Warner raised his eye-brow at him,

“I was going to tell you.” June stuttered
“I couldn’t with all the issues in your life,” Warner cracked a smile at June rubbing his fore-arm,
“I am so happy for you.” Warner said and pulled him into a hug.

Only if Song would’ve been here, safe and really SAFE with us, mom and me. Us. Hang on Song, we will talk about your scar. Warner sighed.

Samuel didn’t lie about him staying out most of the time, it had been 3 weeks and he only shows up for dinner, eats junk at the after-noon but Jennifer couldn’t let that happen, especially not in her presence so even though it annoys Warner a lot, he had to bring Samuel lunch at the library, but it had also gave Warner a chance to get to know the route, the soft breezes and the bakery’s fragrance one stop away kept Warner sane for that small moments, ever since he got here it got a lot better, he could fall asleep faster in the room without suffocating about his life being in danger, and he was mostly grateful for the time he get to spend with his mother Jennifer, had helped his childhood-self blossom once again.

Then the thought shot him hard once again, Song is still there in that mansion in…threat. His shoulders rose high inhaling his worry in, he strolled towards the café he had been visiting for the latte, the shop-keeper noticed him, lips curled up in a smile.

“Regular?” He asked, already pouring the latte in the cup.
“Thank you.” Warner chuckled taking the cup, “We have new cookies you might want to try it. Sir.” Enthusiastic in his job, his bright blue eyes glimmered at Warner who wondered how life felt being this happy and spreading those enthusiastic gesture,
Warner opened his mouth but the shop-keeper politely interjected excitedly.

“They’re on the house, Sir.” Warner nodded smiling and sat on the chair, the street had been brighter he loved it, unlike the mansion street, always silent to Cody’s likeness.

“I am not fascinated.” Familiar girl voice, Warner sipped on the warm latte.

“That’s a pity because I am quite fascinated by you, Gabriella.” Warner nearly choked on the latte, coughing out he paused, that voice seemed familiar. Warner faced the front seat to see Gabriella, and that was June, his back facing Warner.

“I appreciate that. That’s totally not your fault,” She flipped her hair dramatically “I am too pretty.”

A tough competition for June, Warner wanted to feel pity towards his best-friend but couldn’t find it.

“Glad… You know that…” Hesitantly chuckling.

“I know right, people are like ‘Gabriella you might definitely have a boy-friend’ and I am I like,” Her right hand formed a fist resting it on her chest, “Trust me, I don’t have one. I want one but- but.”


She took a moment, her smile faded and turned into a frown
“There is no one I find worth my time.”

“You are worth my time, does that count?” June’s reckless hoarse voice entered the conversation, she froze and for a moment Warner thought it actually worked, she laughed with her teeth reeling back her head like she found it hilarious, she clapped her hands,

“I am sorry about that but,” A bright smile still on her face, she stood up on her place and there it went, wearing something new Warner couldn’t comprehend if it was a jumpsuit or a frock. Sure, it had been made of denim.

“Isn’t that what you had told to Nicole?” Voice calmer and serious than before. June’s shoulder’s stiffened and Warner could see his frown from back.

“Who’s Nicole?” June’s actually confused tone,

“Wow, you forgot Nicole.” Gabriella grimaced

“Then you tell me!” June scoffed,

“Nicole, Nicole, you know her.”

“Gabriella. You screaming Nicole on top of your lungs won’t help me recall.” Emphasis on Nicole, who Nicole? Warner tried to recall.

“Nicole, the one who broke up with her boy-friend because of you!” June jumped from off his seat.

“The maid.” She added, this time slower. He fooled around with Nicole? That piece of shit! Warner rolled his eyes.

“Wait- wait.” His voice shaky, hands anxiously brushed through his hair.
“Who told you about Nicole? No one knows about Nicole."

She froze, biting her lower lip she took her hand-bag in which Warner wondered what would fit except a small amount of air.

“Don’t follow me around anymore, or next time we will be throwing hands at each-other.” She stated and June clasped his hand around her wrist.

“How do you know about Nicole? Really, who told you?” June fretted, desperation in his tone.

“She is my- it’s. What if I won’t tell huh?” She showed her tongue and looked away sulking.

“I won’t hesitate to file a case on you for invading my private life’s information, Lady!” She cleared her throat, eyes broadened she gulped and faced June with a big smile.

“When will be our next date?”


“I will be looking forward to it.” She winked and gracefully waved at June.

“A minute ago, you were so sulky.”
“I was playing hard to get! Can’t you understand!” She yelled like her tongue can’t pronounce clearly like an adult but a 5 years old baby, lips in a pout.

“You are saying you like me too?” Poor June had been carried away by words for the first time instead of carrying someone away with his, Warner shook his head.

“I mean, we can figure it out,” Her index finger tracing what Warner hoped to be June’s cheeks

“I will get you something sweet.” June rushed to the counter

“I like cold coffee.” She smiled and strolled towards the exit.

Warner turned to the glass display again.
“Thanks, Warner.” Gabriella’s voice fell on his ears,

“For what?” Warner turned to her, serious.

“Nothing.” She scoffed and mumbled about how old people don’t get her jokes and humor. But he was the same age as her.

The Book Boy's Revenge 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now