Song Hart Williams

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“Solomon please listen to me.” Song said, his hands were shaking from the panic, first the blurry flashback was playing back in his mind and second the panic was rising again, his throat gone dry making it hard to speak clearly, the dizziness fell on his eyes, not even Solomon. He will get away from me, he will feel disgusted if I tell him, he might become worried or maybe won’t believe me, Song fought back thoughts occupying his mind.
“Did Cody do this? Or Owen? Who did this to you?” Solomon hollered and Song shook his head quickly to avoid any confusion.
“No, this is nothing really. Can you drop me here?” Song asked and as soon as the driver stopped the taxi, Song quickly walked out and that was a bad idea, it was mid of June and it was pouring. Solomon followed Song and made him turn trying to see the scar.
“Solomon, don’t.” Song warned, the scar stinged his skin more as the cold droplets fell on them intensifying not only the pain but anguish of his broken and blurry but clear past.
“I won’t stop until I check how deep it is.” Solomon snatched one of the crutches.
“Okay then stop.” Song said taking the support of a single crutch and Solomon stopped crossing his arms with the other crutch in his hand, both soaked in rain. Song opened one button of his cardigan and saw Solomon’s hand on his mouth with surprise, he wanted to avoid this, he wished he could’ve disappeared, ran somewhere and erase this memory from Solomon’s mind.
“Song, who? What?” Solomon stuttered at the loss of words, his best-friend was now worried too, and this is exactly why Song never wanted to show this to him nor anyone. The droplets could’ve evaporated from the hot flashes he was experiencing or the tears might’ve been hidden by the rain, thank God it rained, Song sighed.
“I want to forget it, please let me.” Song pleaded and Solomon was shocked perhaps by not knowing how he got this scar or how in his 10 years of friendship he never saw his scar. Solomon did respect the boundary.
“Did Owen do this?”
“No, but I wish he did.”  Solomon inhaled deeply walking towards Song who knew Solomon would give him the space he needed, he was a blessing in a form of a best-friend.
“We can walk to your house from here, it’s not that far.” Solomon said giving back the one crutch he had held so Song wouldn’t run.
“I hope you have snacks because I haven’t eaten yet.” Solomon scoffed.
“We do. Patty which Aster had made for Walter.” Song smiled and
Still felt bad to hide his trauma from Solomon.
“If he won’t share, I will just snatch it.” Solomon said.
“Don’t mom is not home and he would cry a whole river.” Solomon chuckled.
“Since when, Song?” He asked through a chuckle as the silence covered them for a second, Song looked down.
“When I was 15 years old.” Song answered and Solomon’s eyebrows furrowed like he knew something but stayed quiet.
“After we became friends?” Solomon asked still walking.
“Before we became friends.” Song imparted and felt a feeling of helpless but brushed that away.
“Should we take a bandage?” Song shook his head.
“I do have an antiseptic for that.”
“Song?” Solomon called
“Tell me when it gets hard, I will be there.”
Song smiled at his statement feeling happy to make Solomon his best-friend.
Cody was raged, not at June not even at Warner who looked as confused as Song.
“Did you not do this?” Cody asked bluntly to June who shook his head, Song was now better than before, he was now able to walk without his crutches. He had taken Walter in his hands, to protect him ‘why is he getting angry? In front of Walter.’ He thought to himself because he noticed how Walter’s heart-beat was racing, just like it used to race when Owen abused him and his mother.
“Or your step-son?” Jennifer chimed in, it must’ve come out of concern, Cody knows she said that out of rage, Song repeated in his mind, he tightened his hands around Walter feeling the terror he was feeling.
“Don’t get scared, I am here.” Song whispered as he nodded. The next thing that came out of Cody’s mouth had disgusted Song, he never expected to hear this from Cody,
“Did you do this for the heir’s place, Song?”
Song’s eyes grew broad and immediately turned his gaze towards Lucy who shook her head, how could he stay quiet at this? He couldn’t, he said that out of concern, he didn’t mean that, he said that because he cares about Warner, Song convinced himself and that was stupid because he couldn’t.
“I don’t want the heir’s place.” That came out loud, because Jennifer’s eyebrows were raised at the tone, he used for Cody. Warner opened his mouth but closed again and he noticed that he too did that at his tone.
“Song?” Cody said more like a question, his tone was sharp that it hurt his ear-drums and even Walter’s who closed his ears.
“Is that because Warner called you to meet Owen?” Cody interrogated taking big steps towards Song who was now totally pissed at Cody’s thinking towards him, his eyebrows were furrowed not getting an answer to tell Cody whose face he didn’t want to see at the moment.
So, he knew Warner’s action caused a scene at the 7-star restaurant and he still remained quiet? That’s the most biased thing he had done, not like Song wanted his affection, but because he and his mother had to get humiliated at a restaurant where rich people talked more than eating. Cody was now in front of Song with his eyes glimmering, with rage for his step-son. Song wanted Lucy to speak up for him, at least for now, she saw how Owen was happy to cause that scene, she should have said something.
“Dad, don’t.” Song heard Warner’s voice when it should’ve been Lucy’s.
“Cody, Song would never do something like that.” Lucy stated, and Cody chuckled.
“I trust you sweet-heart, you are not related to Owen.” Cody smiled looking at Lucy who shook her head as if she knew what Cody meant, but Song still did not understand what Cody was trying to say.
“I am warning you, don’t do this.” Lucy said, her tone came out defensive as she held on to the cotton of her dress.
Cody’s eyes were now on Song who stayed quiet but showed he was done with his interrogation through a plain look.
“What do you mean?” Song asked
“I forgot you’re Owen’s son.”  Cody’s mouth formed a smirk, like he enjoyed saying that, like he always wanted to say that. Is that what he gets for being so nice to Cody? Did he always feel that in his heart? Song thought. This is what he meant to say?
“Dad, stop it.” Warner tried to get up but was held back by Jennifer.
“What?” Song asked even though he heard it clearly, his voice came out wobbly.
“You are Owen’s blood-son, heredity is a powerful thing.”
“I can say the same about Warner.” Song fumed, that was like a fuel to the fire because he instantly regretted after seeing Cody’s jaw clenched, his knuckles clasping and breaking by the force.
“I am scared.” Walter said in his small trembling voice. Me too, Song thought.
“I will take him.” Aster said extending his hands towards Song who handed him to Aster.
“What did you say?” Cody asked, his tone was low-pitched. Song knew he should’ve said ‘nothing’ that would have been the best, he saw Warner who shook his head from left to right showing he want Song to keep quiet.
“You might be worse than my real dad.” Song said, his eyes were turned big with all the hurt and shock about why did I say that. The whole mansion was always mostly silent but today it was quieter than usual. The next thing Song knew was he felt a sting on his cheek and Cody’s hand was in the air, he slapped Song. Song turned his gaze to Warner who looked down then at June who had a ‘I knew it’ expression.
“No!! Momma go stop daddy from hurting brother Song, why is daddy hurting him? Did he do something wrong?” Walter yelled trying to push Lucy in, whose eyes were filled with tears, Song noticed her breathe was uneven, she was unhappy but he did not want that instead he wanted her to stand up for him.
“Don’t become like Owen, you shouldn’t.” Cody said in a harsh tone, his hands clasped around his arms. Song had his eyes on Lucy anticipating her to stand up, put that trauma aside and fight for me mom, he said in his mind.
“Get away from him!” Lucy said pushing Cody away who shoved his palm to Lucy.
“Lucy, I am just interrogating him, didn’t you see what he did to my Warner?” He stated and Song couldn’t help but chuckle at his words, grabbing all their attention as Lucy paused hearing that.
“He had become just like, Owen, we shouldn’t trust him.” Cody said, coldly looking at Song who smiled at him.
“I have not yet.” Lucy immediately turned to see Song, with disappointment or that’s what Song thought.
“You heard him?” Cody asked to Lucy who was looking at Song, she did.
“I have not yet become like him, but I might if you think that.” Lucy raised her eye-brow at Song who wanted her to take stand for him but instead was taking his own stand even though Lucy might have hated hearing what he said, not the best feeling he was feeling at the moment.
Cody pulled his collar when Lucy pushed him back and Song sighed walking towards the mansion’s exit.
“You are still an obvious piece of shit, Cody.” Song heard Jennifer’s tough tone but couldn’t stop his legs from moving towards the exit.
“I will go check on him.” Aster said, hesitantly and Song felt his presence following him.
“Mrs. Williams wants me to accompany you, she is worried.” Aster said and that was enough for him to get angry.
“If she was, she would’ve stood up for me.” Song blurted distinctly feeling the cold breeze on his face, his eyes were filled with tears that didn’t came out.
“What? Mr. Song Williams.” Aster sounded confused.
“Nothing and,” inhaled a deep breathe “I am Song Hart, Williams is not for me.” He stated leaving Aster behind who tried to keep up with him but maintained a proper distance.
“Here.” Song saw Aster’s hand extend to give him the book he took from him.
A loud female scream echoed as Song looked at Aster. It was midnight and hearing female scream only meant 2 things, first she might be afraid of the dark or second, the bad guys! He still remembered how many times he had to save his mother from those drunkards, their street was mostly deserted people staying at that slum-like hell couldn’t afford the electricity expenses and like they had to the chiefs cut down the supply of electricity, there were nights when Song had to put the flash on in case the candles were out and how their only motive was to survive and fill their stomachs and look out for the threats of bad people breaking in, Song gasped and ran towards the lane from where the scream was echoed.
“Give me your purse.” The robber-like guy said, wearing all black that it reminded Song of Warner who mostly wore black, the girl was wearing a grey Tee and black ripped jeans which Song always made at home back when he and Lucy used to stay at the small house. She was trying to get back her bag forcefully pulling it from the robber. Aster held Song back impressing him that he respected his mother’s concern.
“I am the commissioner’s son’s, fiancé!” She yelled and her voice was squeaky like a baby, she had the darkest shade of brown eyes that glimmered in the moon-light,
“Not like commissioner’s wife dumbhead, you should’ve said you are commissioner’s daughter-in-law.” The robber snapped as the girl paused and looked at Song probably wondering why he won’t help her.
“You, commissioner’s son?” The robber asked pointing at Song with his hockey and he shook his head.
“Let’s go Mr. Song, I will take care of this.” Aster convinced Song who nodded hesitantly but froze hearing her next statement.
“I am Gabriella Young, Jeremy Young’s daughter.” She said and Song ran towards the robber, inhaling the cold air he drew out his wallet giving the robber some money approximately 1000$. The robber gave a confused nod to him.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
3… They are enough, I am not enough,
“Are they not enough? How much do you want?” Song asked with a smile and saw Aster slowly approaching the Robber. Of-course I am not a fool to give that without any reason, after all Money doesn’t grow on trees and just like a thirsty person knows the value of every single drop of water, I too know how much this means to me, not mine, not earned by me I know but shouldn’t stop me from using this, the compensation of the humiliation I faced, the haunting past, Song smiled to himself,
2…. Would this mean I lost the only person close to me. Mom,
“They are more than enough.” Song smiled at the Robber’s amusement.
1.. Song Hart was not born stupid and scarred,
“Gotcha!” Aster held the robber from behind as the girl Gabriella started jumping being excited. Song turned to her as she nudged him with the excitement. He was made stupid by someone, he was scarred by someone, brushing it off,
“Call the cops. Commissioner’s son’s daughter-in-law.” Song instructed and she did.
The robber was taken by the cops, and now Gabriella swinged her designer purse,
“Jeremy, is he still alive?” Song asked, hesitantly feeling the air get cold along with some hot flashes, leaving Gabriella take a minute before answering.
“My dad, you know him?” She asked, awkwardly.
“No.” Song shook his head. She waved with her freshly-painted nails,
“Thank you by the way, you and this blue-eyed guy.” Song pursed his lips watching her leave.
“You know her?”
“I do, but not more than her dad.”
“Song-Song?” Song heard a familiar voice and turned to see Owen, his heart was racing faster and he could hear it in his ears, but soon vanished, why do I have to run? I have to fight my own battles, he thought and turned to see Owen, nothing had changed because he was still out on the roads at midnight just like he used when they used to stay alone at the small house, just his clothes were more decent. Owen rarely showed up home sober, Song couldn’t recognize him sober or imagine him without reeking of alcohol and could feel it in his memory. Aster faced Song for him to speak.
“What do you want? Do you want to lose your company just like the job you lost? Do you know how much it affected us?” Song asked harshly, all the anger was coming out in his voice.
“Drunkard!” Song yelled and Aster stayed quiet looking at Song.
“In that rich lady’s words, piece of shit.” Song yelled with all the strength feeling the tears form in his eyes, not more than the anger he had inside but was pretty sure anyone could tell it from his neck’s veins popping out. Owen inhaled deeply shaking his head like he was disappointed.
“I am not drunk. Song-Song.” Owen spoke and Song sighed feeling how warm his cheeks were turned from the screaming and yelling. But he did not regret saying that, he couldn’t. Song did not even notice how Aster was in a fight mode.
“You. Mom. Cody are no different just different people but everything else is just same.” He blurted, Owen’s eye-brows furrowed and Song knew he was getting mad and also that Owen wasn’t scared to hurt him in public, but he was not too bothered by that, in fact he had hurt him in public outside his Fumi School, his street, the car washing tank where he would be called out by the manager for his father’s nuisance, his house, a punching bag is what he identified himself as and somewhere deep inside his heart song had believed he deserved all that, the beatings, the bruises maybe I am not good enough maybe I am a bad son he used to convince himself.
“Piece of shit! You are a piece of shit!” Song yelled and Aster pulled him back as he did not notice how close he was moving towards Owen, Aster held on to his shoulder.
“Is that the only bad word you know?” Owen scoffed and Song shoved Aster’s hands off his shoulder, he did not want to die from Owen’s hands but just wanted to let it out, a bad idea because Owen was pulling up his sleeves and Song’s tongue went numb, no that is not what he wanted, he was used to it maybe he could just fall numb he knew that but the pain couldn’t have hurt Song more than his words.
“Don’t call me that.” His eye-brows were raised and Owen walked towards him as he inhaled the cold air.
“Who gave you a natural blush?” Owen asked, he didn’t reek of alcohol but something bakery like… vanilla, he was trying to wipe the mark Cody’s slap left on Song’s face thinking it would come of, Song thought.
“Get off!” Song snapped brushing his hand off his cheek and Owen crinkled his eyes.
“That might hurt, Mr. Williams slapped Mr. Song.” Aster made a tight fist ready to fight Owen his voice came out serious.
“I figured that.” Strangely calm,
“Let’s go.” Song said to Aster and turned walking opposite to Owen.
“Mr. Song Williams, the house is that way.” Aster pointed, hesitantly as if he was afraid, Song rendered the book back to him.
“I mean Mr. Song Hart.” Aster corrected his mistake flipping his hair off his eyes.
“Will you keep the book back in the room? The 3rd tower edge.” Song instructed, the mansion was the last place he wanted to go to now, not until he could get a hold of himself.
“But- Where will you go?” Aster questioned
“Don’t worry, tell her I will be back to that hell.” Song stated and rendered a smile feeling like he was lost, in this big world, in this city and had nothing left which is his.
“Where?” Aster sighed
“To find out what am I blamed for.”

The Book Boy's Revenge 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora