ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 4: ᔕIᒪᐯEᖇ ᔕᕼOᖇEᔕ Oᖴ ᖇEᗩᒪITY

Start from the beginning

"Elena, please! Just take an hour or a few minutes out of your schedule! This is really important to me, and I want you to know!" She heard his plea, but her eyes caught sight of her company's vicinity.

"Carl, as I said before, I can't. I truly can't find time to see you in the coming days. I'm sorry! Now I have to go because I've arrived. See you soon, babe!" Carlton grew increasingly frustrated with her inability to understand the significance of their conversation.

"Elena! Elena! Don't hang up! Elena?" He couldn't believe she had abruptly ended the call. His frustration intensified as she left him with unspoken words. He let out a frustrated scoff and threw his phone onto the bed, burying it in the pillows.

"Shit, Elena! Every fucking time!!" He chided furiously and quickly went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Throughout the day, Elena's workload gradually diminished. She was always on top of her tasks, giving each one her utmost concentration. Even when faced with irreversible mistakes, she never gave up.

Her day consisted of reviewing crucial documents and reading reports from the product development department. A smile illuminated her face as she read about the progress of the product system. Everything seemed to be going exceptionally well, with only a few tests remaining before the product would be ready by the end of the month. Just as she was about to turn the page, a soft knock interrupted her thoughts.

"Yes?" Elena watched as her secretary slowly opened the door, a small smile playing on Sofia's lips. Sofia's mouth opened to speak.

"Miss McLain, the person you requested is here!" Sofia informed, causing Elena to drop the papers onto the table.

"Let her in!" Elena's expression immediately transformed upon hearing that Cindy, the head of her financial department, had arrived. Within seconds, Cindy entered the room.

"Cindy, it's wonderful to see you again!" Elena approached her, taking her hand in hers. She smiled warmly, causing Cindy to mirror her expression.

"Please, have a seat! There's something important I'd like to discuss with you," Elena said, guiding Cindy towards the chairs in front of her desk. Cindy quickly settled into her seat, patiently waiting for Elena to join her.

"So, how's everything?" Elena inquired, her gaze steady as her hands intertwined on top of the desk. She wanted to give Cindy the opportunity to speak. Cindy returned the smile and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Everything is going well, Miss McLain. I'm just about finished with the report you requested a month ago. It's almost done!" Cindy replied, a soft smile gracing her face. Elena's lips curled into a small smirk as she listened to Cindy. Her mind was already formulating the words she would say, her eyes locked onto Cindy's.

"That's great. However, I regret to inform you that this will be your last month working for me," Elena stated, her words catching Cindy off guard. A moment of silence hung in the air, sending a chill down Cindy's spine.

"Miss? What do you mean?" Cindy stammered, her eyes welling up with tears. Elena leaned back in her chair, her gaze unwavering.

"I simply believe that our visions for this company, my company, are not aligned. It would be best for you to find another opportunity elsewhere," Elena explained, her eyes revealing the weight of her words. Cindy gasped, finally realizing that she was being let go. But then, it hit her. She understood what Elena was truly implying.

"Is it because I'm pregnant? Is it because I recently scheduled an ultrasound appointment for my baby?" Cindy asked, her eyes filled with determination. Elena's eyes fluttered in feigned surprise.

"People in this company have been saying that you have a problem with pregnant women working for you! I defended you, telling them it was just gossip, but it seems they were right!" Cindy exclaimed, her anger rising as she locked eyes with Elena.

"You're discriminating against me because I'm pregnant!" she accused, disbelief evident in her voice. Elena sighed, her previously unbothered expression now tinged with annoyance as Cindy spoke harshly.

"Cindy, I had no idea you were pregnant! Honestly, I thought you were a lesbian!" Elena retorted, her comment leaving Cindy momentarily speechless.

"You're the one presenting it right now in front of me. Additionally, I've been eagerly awaiting that report for an entire month! It's absolutely mind-boggling, if you ask me!"

"So, now that I'm expressing my dissatisfaction with your lack of effectiveness at work, you like to shift the focus to pregnancy discrimination?" Elena stood up, causing Cindy to feel a sense of unease for some unknown reason.

"I was clearly unwell throughout the entire month due to pregnancy symptoms. I was just discovering that I was, indeed, pregnant! Nevertheless, I worked tirelessly on that report so I could deliver it to you! But I genuinely felt worse." Cindy's eyes welled up with tears as she tried to explain why she couldn't perform at her full capacity. Elena furrowed her brow and briefly rolled her eyes.

"You know, I really don't care whether you're pregnant or not. All I care about is the performance of my employees, and if you're falling short, I'm afraid that won't suffice for me! That's your predicament now, and all I need you to do is leave as soon as possible!" Elena stated, taking a few steps forward without flinching. Cindy couldn't bear it any longer and broke down in tears before Elena.

"Please don't do this to me! I just recently took out a mortgage on my house! I desperately need this job, I'm pregnant! Please!" she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. Elena let out an exasperated sigh and hurried past her to the other side of the room.

"I'll give you an extra month to find a new job! It's nothing personal, Cindy. I hope you understand that!" Elena said, and without looking back, she left her office, leaving Cindy behind.

Elena lacked tolerance for hearing about others' troubles, it was no surprise to anyone that knew her. She abruptly halted her steps next to her secretary's desk just outside her office.

"Thank a lot, Sofia!"

"Remind me later to give you a bonus on this month's payroll!" she exclaimed, a mischievous wink and a big smile lighting up her face

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