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 Lets get introduced with our main leads..

1st character is none other than our Lee Dong Wook. He would be playing  his original character here with some twist and turns.

 He would be playing  his original character here with some twist and turns

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Name : Lee Dong-Wook.

Age :43

hometown : Seoul , South Korea

Occupation : Actor ,Host

Personality : Carry himself as per the situation

Then our Female lead is None Other than Miss. y/n.

Name : y/n 

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Name : y/n 

Age : 25

Hometown :  xxxx country

personality : Mix ,savage ,bold

Occupation : A PhD student, teacher at a school where mute & deaf children study.


More characters would be updated as per story grows. 

Biggest question in this book is, will their age difference  can stop them from falling for each other?

A forbidden love or Eternal love ??

1095 Days (Lee Dong-Wook fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now