Part 6 -His Feelings

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LDW: (*wide eyes*) What?

y/n : What would you like have ramen or Chinese food? I have prepared Fried rice and chicken curry .

LDW :(*sighed*) You were asking about dinner?

y/n : What did you think, ajusshi?

LDW : Nothing.

y/n : (*crook smile formed in her lips*) Wait wait , you thought I asked you for s**. (*laughing loud*)

LDW : (*red tint appeared on his cheeks*) No , y/n. 

y/n had prepared Chinese food for dinner . LDW praised her cooking skills as he found the food delicious . They enjoyed the food together .

LDW : Did you pursued your PhD here for study or  you are one of those who is obsessed with K-pop and K-drama?

y/n : I am book person . Not into entertainment stuffs like that. 

LDW : Hmmm... 

y/n :Dong-wook-shi , Can we meet with you or roam around the city with you?

LDW : yes but after you recover from your ulcer.

y/n : What if media makes rumor or people take that wrong way?

LDW : I don't think so . No one gonna think it's weird if the two of us go out. People would think , uncle is buying his niece some food.

y/n :(*sucking her inner cheek making pout*) You are old enough to be uncle by age but you don't look old . You still look young and handsome.

LDW : Was that compliment or tease?

y/n : depends on you how you take.

LDW : God , you are ...

y/n : what?

LDW : Nothing .

 After dinner y/n showed him her apartment . Her small apartment was filled with books as if it's a book shop or library. It was quite late , he was about leave the apartment . 

Suddenly she hugged him tightly and shivers ran through his spine making butterfly storming in his stomach

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Suddenly she hugged him tightly and shivers ran through his spine making butterfly storming in his stomach . He also hugged back and smiled .

LDW : See you soon ,y/n-aah. Take care.

y/n : (*soft but sad smile*) You also take care.

After that night , they started visiting each other

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

After that night , they started visiting each other . y/n never told him how big fan of him she  was .She knew well how to control excitement . With time LDW discovered many things about y/n  that this silent y/n is talkative only around people she feel comfort .LDW enjoyed her story telling skill . y/n often clicked his candid photo .Even he never  stopped her. On each meet y/n used to tell him about her last reading book. LDW was unaware of that he was becoming addicted to her . He started texting his daily works ,schedule to her . y/n never asked why he informs her everything . 

----------------------------------------6months skipped---------------------------------

----------------------------------------6months skipped---------------------------------

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

In these 6 months LDW changed a lot .LDW was a person who used to spend his weekends alone at staying home , he started meeting her on regular basis. y/n was becoming his habit . He never thought about her in wrong way as she was much younger than him and also childish . Her childishness was his happiness. Her unbalance walk , her eyes movement , sudden holding his arms were making him close to her. Little did he know why she used to hold his arms for support ,why she used to walk unbalanced like child . Sometimes his mind questioned him all this but he avoided as y/n never said anything .

It's been 10 days , y/n didn't replied his messages or answered his calls . He was getting impatient why y/n not answering his call. He even visited her apartment but it was locked . From security guard he got to know she has gone somewhere and left a letter for him. It made questioned himself how she knew he would come for her. He took the letter and returned home. After freshen up he opened the later .

After reading the later tears formed in his eyes

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

After reading the later tears formed in his eyes. LDW understood that y/n had become a important part of him. He was scared if he romanticizes anything with her , he might lose her. He tried his best to stop himself from falling for her .But her caring nature , possessiveness about him made his heart beat more for her.


Where has y/n gone?

Will LDW accept his own feelings and confess?

Will y/n accept him?

Stay tuned^_^

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