"Ah, okay. A simple in and out operation, don't worry i'm the one for the job."
you rubbed your hands together schemingly

she slams a fist on her palm in emphasis
"No funny business. I had to wait a whole year for it to restock."

You could tell this product was really important to her. The line stretched out decently far from behind your place. You wondered if they were also desiring the limited product, if so, that leaves you with a lot of competition to get through. Of course there's no room to doubt your capabilities, failing would not only bring her great disappointment but ruin your golden record of being such an exceptional helper.
If she wanted you to be serious, so be it.

The store finally opened and you hadn't realize that the place was huge inside. You looked at the Melusine and she too didn't seem so confident in where the bottle could be.

"Let's just start looking around I guess"
you shrug

"Okay but stay close to me, the second I see it you have to get it quickly."

You follow her into various isles and allow her to meticulously scan each section. This place seemed high end with all it's fancy shmancy variety products too hard to even pronounce.

However just around the end of the isle there is a commotion that pulls your attention. A man is angrily yelling at another Melusine who seems to have her ears leaned back, indicating she felt threatened.

You were about to step forward until you remember your task at hand, but the situation ahead seemed much more dire and at risk of escalation.

She sighs noticing your hesitance,
"Go help her out quickly, i'll call you over when I find the bottle."

"Yes! Pfft do you even know me? I'll have that solved in a jiffy."
you say before running off to the scene

There were sheets of paper on the ground between the two and the man's face was red with anger.

"You impediment, look at what you did!"
he snapped

"I'm really sorry sir I didn't mean to"
she defended

"Sorry doesn't fix the damage"
he continues

"Hey! What's going on here?"
you step forward in between them

"This oblivious Melusine was in my way and had made me drop all my orderly printed coupon sheets"

"I apologized though, various times."
she interjected

You cross your arms
"I see, I understand where you're coming from but you must be mindful of your surrounding too."

then you turn to the Melusine
"As for you, please try to make a sound or something so others are aware of your presence."

"That's all you're going to do?"
he gasps in disbelief

"What more do you want? She already apologized."
you shrugged at his persistent anger

"Oh I see, you're job here is just to defend the little Melusines even when they are clearly in the wrong. That's not very fair."

Defamation [Neuvillette X Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu