5. The Cause

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Adrien's POV:

I jumped right through the portal as quickly as I could and the second I was in, the portal instantly closed. But now I'm worried. M'lady is probably in danger and the other heroes and I don't have my miraculous. Wait Lunamoth has it- If she gets Ladybug's too, everyone will be in danger. I started breathing heavily, I didn't know what to do, not even Plagg was there to comfort me but I need to go back to the fight regardless if I have my miraculous or not. She needs me.

Marinette's POV:

I fell to the ground.

There is a huge pain in my chest.

I feel dizzy.

I need to get up.

Can I?

I'm on my knees holding my chest hoping the pain will go away, there's fighting going on, but I don't have the strength to even comprehend what's happening. But I came to realize that the Lunamoth is right there in front of me. Smirking, extending her arms to grab my earrings. I won't let her. I can't let her. I notice the heroes are running towards me but I need to get Chat Noir's miraculous, despite the intriguing pain I have right now. I use all the strength I have left to quickly pull the ring off her. She was clearly too satisfied with how weak I was and took her time taking my miraculous, only to allow me to grab the cat miraculous.

She got angry quick and tried to grab it back. At that point I fell back to my knees holding my chest again, breathing heavily. Next thing I knew it, Vesperia has picked me up and Pegasus has opened a portal by the Arc de Triomphe. We enter and Carapace along with Pegasus quickly head through the portal and instantly close it.

"Are you okay?" Vesperia asks placing me down with worry written all over her face and the other 2 looking at me with the same look.

I didn't know how to respond, the pain has slowly started to go away but I knew this was a cataclysm, it will only get worse and this wasn't like Monarch. This was going to spread but not starting from my arm, in my chest meaning the cause is much worse. I tried my best to think of ways to get rid of this. I can't use Sass as this event could easily happen all over again and Bunnyx, I wouldn't want to bother her for my own reasons. At least the entire world isn't being killed I thought referring back to Chat Blanc. And who knows what Lunamoth did with my Lucky Charm. I can't use another as It's designed for specific villains. Not me.

"Ladybug?" Carapace asked this time sounding more worried. I must've been so lost in thought and trying to ease myself with the pain.

"Y-yeah" I barely whispered, I need a solution.

"You've just been cataclysmed, are you okay? What can we do, we need to revive this." Pegasus said this time with a lot of worry in his voice like the others.

"I-I don't know." I really didn't know. All I know is that I need Chat Noir, I need him. I wouldn't be able to explain this to Adrien.

I open my hand and put on the ring allowing Plagg to be here.

"What happened are you okay?" He looked terrified. "The last thing I remember is Lunamoth-" I cut him off.

"I'm fine, you're safe from Lunamoth for now but I need you to go to Chat Noir, I need him and he probably has no idea what's happening right now." I said to him.

"Okay I'll take it to him." He says a bit quickly. I can tell he realizes how serious this is and Chat Noir needs to be aware of what is happening.

I hand the ring over to him and he flies off. I also informed him that he was near the park by my house.

Adrien's POV:

I continue walking, not far from the park yet as I'm so lost in thought. What could be happening right now? Does Lunamoth have our miraculouses, could she make a wish right now?

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Plagg flying over to me. I was so happy and relieved but that all changed when I noticed Plagg looked worried and terrified.

"Plagg are you okay? What happened?" I asked, the worry started washing over me again.

"I can't explain it but Ladybug needs you, she's at the Arc de Triomphe and I would go quickly if I were you. Before something worse happens." He exclaimed worriedly.

I didn't even have to question him. Ladybug is in trouble and I need to get to her quickly so without saying anything I transformed.

"PLAGG CLAWS OUT" I yell scared and extend my staff, getting to the Arc de Triomphe as quick as I can.

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