~A Drawing~

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Serena and Severus headed for the Great Hall for breakfast. When they arrived,she sat in beetween him and McGonnagal. The old headmistress only glared at the two of them,not saying a word.

'Severus,if I'm right,you said Miss Addams will be your assistant only for a month and it's been more than two weeks. She should leave now in a few days.' Minerva said and immediately got a deadly glare from Serena.

'Actually,Minerva,I had decided she'll stay at least until the end of the year,if not longer.' Severus spoke,his voice deep and calm.

Oh how Serena liked his voice...

'Of course,if that is your final decision.But I think you should give it some more time to think. Miss Adda-' started McGonnagal,but Serena stoped her.

'Please,headmistress. I think I'm not an object,for you two to decide will I stay or leave.I actually think it's my decision. And I agree with proffesor Snape. I am staying.' she said,still shooting the old woman a deadly glare.

She then got up from her seat and Snape followed her to the dungeons.

'You know,if you were schooled here,you'd surely end up in Slytherin. Cunning and sarcastic,the Sorting Hat would never think twice about you.' Severus said to her when they entered the living room. He was grinning. Severus Tobias Snape was grinning. And Serena has caused him to do so.

'The woman so obviously hates me!' she laughed,sitting on the couch.

'Get up,Addams!' he said to her,and she immediately obeyed him.

'Why?' she asked,no longer smiling.

'We have a class,first years.' he explained to her,and there was still a small smile on his thin lips.

Oh his lips...

'Can't wait.' she rolled her eyes and walked into the classroom with her proffesor.


He was teaching them something,but she wasn't paying attention. Instead,she was doodling ih her sketchbook.

'Blah blah bezoar...blah blah goat stomach...' was all she heard.

After a few minutes,she catched herself drawing Severus.

Even though she didn't really want to do it,she finished the drawing. She used her pencil to color his dark,black hair and eyes.

He looked at her a few times,but luckily haven't noticed the drawing.


Within a few classes,Serena finished his portrait,and admired it for a moment,not even realising the class has ended and the students left.

Severus snatched the sketchbook from her hands and looked at it for a few moments before he smirked and looked at the artist.

'Give it back.' she demanded.

'Wow.You're really talented.' he said,ignoring her.

'Please give it to me proffesor.' she said ,this time politely.

'I'm impresed.' he continued,completely ignoring her.

'Give it back Snape!' Serena said,a bit louder,trying to snatch the sketchbook from his hand,but he held it up,out of her reach.While he was laughing,she was jumping and pulling his sleave,still trying to catch her drawings.He then ran to the living room,and she ran after him. They were both laughing as she chased him around the room. Severus was going in different directions and when he suddenly stopped,Serena bumped into him a fell on the floor,still laughing.

'Clumsy! C'mon,get up.' he laughed,helping her up.

'I'm not clumsy!' she shouted jokingly.

'Are you sirious? You're the clumsiest person I met!' he said.

'I am no-'

'You are. End of discution. But now,really,can I keep it? The drawing?' he asked her,dead sirious.

She couldn't help but roll eyes.

'No. I like keeping all of my drawings in one place.' she stated,crossing her arms and looking straight into his dark eyes.

'So there's more?' he asked,raising his eyebrow.

'Yes. But don't get too excited,this is the first portrait I've ever done.' Serena said pointing at the drawing he was holding.

He only walked away too his room with the drawing,leaving her standing there.He got back after a few moments.

'Hey! I said no!' she said,and he had a hard time deciding whether she's sirious or joking.

'Oh please,like I care.Now if you excuse,I'd like to get some sleep. I'm not used to running around my living room for almost an hour.' Severus replied smirking,and she walked too her room.

'Good night.' she said when she was at the door.

'Good night,clumsy.' he smiled to himself when she gave him a playfull glare and walked into her room.


She collapsed onto her bed,thinking about her potion's master.
Was she starting to feel something for him? He was her only friend,and she appreciated it. But was there something more?


Severus sat in the living room,thinking about his assistant.
Was he starting to feel something for her? She was his only friend,and he appreciated it. But was there something more?

**sooo that's it for now,hope you like it blah blah blah....
I'll try to get at least 2 new chapters tommorow,it'll be special. :3
See ya**

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