~A Trip To Hogsmeade~

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It's been two weeks since Smith tryed to kiss Serena and she finnaly calmed down completely.

She and Severus were becoming friends,even though he still pretended to hate the idea of an assistant.

It was Wednesday afternoon and she was cleaning some cottages while Severus was grading papers.

'You know you don't have to clean them the muggle way? You can use magic.' he suddenly said looking at her.

'Of course I know.I'm just quite bored,and if I clean them this way,I'll keep my hands busy for some extra time.' Serena explained to the greasy haired man.It was the truth. She was really bored in the dungeons and she was getting sick of sketching random objects.

'Have you ever tried butterbear?' he asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

'Not really.' she admmited 'Why?'

'Well,you said you were bored. We could have a small trip to Hogsmeade,if you agree.'

'Yeah,sure. I'll be ready in 15 minutes.' she said joyfully and walked to her room.

She brushed her dark blonde hair and  changed into a black shirt and matching dark jeans,with black high heeled boots she always wore,because she wasn't really tall. Even when she wore them,Severus was a 20 centimeters taller.

When she walked out of her room,Severus was ready and waiting for her.

'We won't stay for too long. I have too go to the Aphotecary for some potion ingredients and we'll visit The Three Broomsticks for some butterbear.' he said as they walked off of the school grounds.

'Okay. What do you need?'

'Some Lacewing flies and Snake fangs. Ran out of them last week,and haven't noticed. You know,it is your job as my assistant to tell me when I need more ingredients.' he told her,looking straight into her icy blue eyes.

'I haven't noticed either. Sorry.' she murmured. She smiled to herself when he smirked at her.

It was getting colder and colder with every passing day and the cold wind was caresing her cheeks and hands.

'Are you cold?' he asked when they were in front of the Apothecary.

'No.' she answered quickly,before they stepped inside and bought what they needed.

After Apothecary,they visited the Tree Broomsticks and ordered two butterbeers.

Serena sipped hers and licked the foam of off her lips.

'You like it?' asked Severus,doing the same.

'Mmm yes.' she answered,smiling at her proffesor.

'I'm glad you do.' he said,producing a small,yet warm smile. Everytime he did this,she would feel something she could not understand.A burning feeling in her heart and her mind. Something hard to explain.

As she sipped her butterbeer,Severus noticed a large scar on her neck.

'Where on Earth have you got that?' he asked,surprised and worried at the same time.

'Dammit.' Serena thought. She would usually hide this scar with her hair or clothes,but she forgot to now.There was no use to say 'don't know' or 'nothing'.

'Well...You already know I grew up in an orphanage...it wasn't a nice and happy place.' she murmured,avoiding his eyes.

'Oh...' Severus nodded,immediately regreting his question.

'We should go,it's getting late.' he said,changing the subject.

'Sure.' Serena said and got up to her feet.

The whole way home,they haven't spoken a single word.

**Another short chapter,sorry for it.
I have to do something for school to finish this afternoon,so don't expect another update until tonight,I'll try to make it a bit longer.
See ya**

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