I frown as she disappears to the staircase. I don't think the guys looked at her with just lust. They seemed very interested. Greece isn't someone who will settle down though, so obviously I'm worried. What if they force her to do something she doesn't want?

"Sofia," Mateo calls out. "Get the nurses in here. Mr. Torres is not feeling well."

"On it," I yell out and get up to get the nurses from the first floor.

The rest of the evening goes by with helping Mateo with two of his patients, both having problems and not enough assistance. I bounce around, trying to aid as best I can, but I don't know anything about medical stuff. Luckily they both survive, but the other one is kept under strict watch.

I change my watch with Mateo and get into my 'bunk'. Just as I sit down Dante pulls the curtain. "How is it going here?"

He looks tired, so I wag my fingers for him to join me on the bed. "Come have a rest. Everything is as fine as it can be."

Dante takes a seat next to me with a big yawn. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for today. I'm proud of how well you're keeping up," I say and pat his head. "Is everything okay upstairs?"

"Of course. Grandma is almost ready in the kitchen too. I tried to help, but she got angry." Dante chuckles.

"She did the same to me," I say with a snort. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah I went with Rios and Oris, and then I helped them tie the slaver in one of the closets."

"Helped tie him?" I close my eyes and press my temple. "Couldn't they have done it…no, nevermind." Those assholes need to keep my son away from dangerous shit. I need to have a word with them.

"I did, and then I went to have a talk with Harwal," Dante mutters.

I flutter my lashes. "With Harwal?"

Dante nods. "I had to apologize for what I said…and to thank him for doing what I couldn't. Even if you say I shouldn't thank him… I needed to." He stares at his hands on his lap, avoiding my eyes. "I-I also asked what his city is like, a-and the people there."

I grab his hand, and he looks at me shyly. I want to ask if I'm so unreliable that he's afraid to ask me about these things, but that's a pathetic question I don't want the answer to. I squeeze Dante's hand and force a smile. I shouldn't taint his intentions with my twisted way of thinking.

I blow out a breath. I really am a mess. "So what did you find out?"

"You asked me if I want to move," he says shyly, squeezing my hand back. "I'm not sure I want to leave Marco and my job, but Harwal said that there are blacksmiths and…uh, I could learn how to fight."

I swallow the knot forming in my throat and nod. "And is that something you want to do?" I ask, my voice hoarse. I don't want to think about him ever needing such a skill, but if it might help him some day then he can do whatever he wants.

Dante nods, a small spark forming in his eyes as he finally looks at me. "I do. I really do. I want to do stuff that I can use my new strength with."

I blink, confused. "New strength?"

Dante nods furiously. "Ever since I got blood from Harwal my body aches to do something. And—" he licks his lips in excitement "—and I can lift so much heavier stuff. Like that Atorus, he was heavy, but I could've carried him all alone. I could've never done that before. I was tired after work on some days, but now I feel like I can do anything. I'm just full of energy."

I smile at his excited rambling and kiss his temple. "I'm glad you feel better." He really is a Zohra. One brimming with life and unending energy. I can't thank Harwal enough for what he gave Dante.

Harwal, book 3Where stories live. Discover now