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POV's & Timeskips
Dragons speaking:
Humans speaking:
3rd person POV

We see a beautiful start sky illuminated by the moon as the Nadders nest and noises from other dragons can be heard throughout the forest on an island until the entire sky lights up into a red light and a crimson red shooting star flies across the sky until it crashes onto a distant island with a loud rumble, a boy with long blonde hair watches in awe with a chicken in his hands

Blonde boy: everyone's gotta hear about this! He runs off into the distance

Valstrax Pov

I was laying in what used to be a clearing of what looked like a small island before I crashed on it and the clearing was now scorched earth and jagged rocks instead of grass and trees my body hurt a lot and I felt really tired and weak

Y/n: those human pests! Ganging up on me and I didn't even do anything! If I see one of those disgusting creatures again it will be to soon!

My eye lids become extremely heavy as I give into the weakness and drifted off to sleep

??? Pov

We see a boy with brown hair in what looks like a workshop with a black dragon laying nearby and sleeping. Suddenly five people burst into the room waking the black dragon and one of the people is the boy with long blonde hair

Blonde haired boy: hiccup!

Fat boy: Tuffnut said he saw an asteroid land on a nearby island!

He said ecstatically while jumping around as the brown haired boy known as hiccup became excited and curious as well

Hiccup: really!? This better not be another lie.

He said with a less convinced face as the one known as Tuffnut spoke out defensively to the boy

Tuffnut: it's not! It was a red fiery ball of awesomeness and it landed on a small island close to here! Oh hoho! If I can get my hands on it I'll be unstoppable!

He rubbed his hands together mischievously before The girl next to him with the blonde hair that looked similar to him hit his head

Hiccup: okay okay, we can check it out in the morning guys, it's to late to go out with our dragons and Tuffnut if it really is a asteroid it's not gonna make you powerful or anything

He said with a tired voice as if correcting a child until the blonde girl with her hair over her face stepped forward

Other blonde girl: wouldn't it be better if we went to check it out now? What if someone else saw it and will go get it for themselves?

Fat boy: don't say that it will give us bad luck, Astrid!

Astrid: yeah sure fishlegs

The girl known as Astrid sighed while she reassured the boy known as fishlegs before the black haired boy spoke

Black haired boy: I say we sell it if it really is a aster...whatever it is. Think about it if these things are so rare then it's gotta be worth something!

Hiccup: way to go thinking for yourself Snoutlout your a great help...

Snotlout: thanks hiccup!

The boy known as Snoutlout thanked the other boy not noticing the obvious sarcasm as hiccup face palmed

Hiccup: we'll go in the morning, now get some rest.

The other five people groaned and complained on their ways out, once they all left the boy known as hiccup looks over at the black dragon who looked at him expectantly

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