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Valstrax Pov

While in my den I was awoken by from my sleep when Stormfly came inside. I sat up and let out an annoyed rumble as she yawned 

Stormfly: "Astrid was up early for a fly again."

Valstrax: "I don't see how it's my problem. I keep telling you to kill her and take back your freedom." 

She shot spines at me as they bounced off my plated scales making me let out a huff 

Valstrax: "Your loss, Storm." 

Stormfly: "Not all of us can easily murder someone." 

Valstrax yawns and lays back down, clearly not interested in her pity party but she stomps on his tail making him growl 

Stormfly: "Are you really going to go sleep while I'm clearly upset?"

Valstrax: "Well, from my experience, when someone annoys you grab them by the throat and don't let go till the body stops moving." 

Stormfly makes a screech as if she was gasping 

Stormfly: "Could you not talk about death and murder for once?!"

Valstrax: "Do I look like that black salamander you call a leader?"

I watch her look down making me huff in annoyance at my weakness for this dragon as I nudge her with my head 

Valstrax: "It's something called standing up for yourself, Stormfly. You let your human know what you want." 

Stormfly: "abut I can't do what I want, it could get her hurt or mess up our plan in battles."

Valstrax lowers his head to her level and licks her neck before entwining his tail with hers as she make a surprised sound 

Valstrax: "I think I can help you with all your...pent up frustrations."

Astrid: a whistle is heard in the distance "Come on girl!"

Stormfly looks back to Valstrax before pulling away and walking out as he watches her leave and let's out a low growl of pure annoyance and a hint of jealousy 

Stormfly: "I'll come see you later..."

Valstrax: "Whatever you say." 

Once I saw her leave I got up and took off out of the cave and soared away from the island at high speed, I landed on a random island and stood in place before a growl could be heard from behind me as I turned to see a monstrous nightmare 

Valstrax: "Lunch."

My wings gained a faint glow before the pained and agonised calls of a dragon could be heard and in an instance it went quiet after a red flash 

Timeskip—next day

Still Valstrax Pov

I was taking flight back to dragons edge, but while i was on my way back something felt off, my pupils narrowed to thin slits as I roared and went top speed in an instant 

Valstrax: "I've been itching to kill humans." 

I approached the edge and flew over an armada before getting back to the island where I could see the stupid male twin manning weapons and attacking the ships while the strong girl flew on Stormfly 

Stormfly: "Val! They took Ruffnut and are going to attack the edge!" 

Valstrax: "I can see that, little Wyvern." 

Crimson Despair (Httyd x Monster Hunter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें