Chapter 12 | Evidence Astray

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"The people of the clan you killed were just useless pawns. They were just recruits after the four survivors escaped the first game. You will never achieve victory, yet you still try?".

Vinny's voice yet again invade my ears as I slowly shimmer my eyelids to the villa waiting for me to finally use my ability.

The crashing of the ocean outside the mansion was audible on that night.

Though the windows had been boarded up, and the beautiful sunset we'd formerly known had not been visible to us, the slow and peaceful crashing of the ocean slowly helped to gently rock the survivors to slumber. Mateo, Jamila and Austin had all been snuggled up together, with their little snores and sighs being audible to each other.

Not me, though. I'd had a job to do before I went to sleep.

I'd grabbed a knife from the kitchen and headed towards an empty room.

By an empty room, I mean the room with the lonely chair.

I'd used a white chalk I'd found somewhere to draw algols around the floor of the room, creating a circle formation of algols; then, I'd cut my skin with the knife I'd had. I scream in immense pain as I lose half a litre of blood, at which point I'd quickly covered my hand with a cloth to stop further bleeding after applying some medicine and organic material on the wound. I then corped my hands into a prayer position and started to spell the chants.

"O', with the seraphic power of darkness and divine luck, I transfer the soul of Colleen Winters from the realm of the deceased to the realm of Gloria Villa. I ask you, O' Lord, for you to lend me your unlimited and mighty power for the revival of Colleen Winters. Positioning shalt be random, status shalt be alive. O' Lord, please accept my blessing of human blood and make my wish come true".

That was only the initial chant, sort of like a warm up you'd do at the start of a physical education lesson.

For the success of the ritual, there were many more chants which I'd needed to do, at which point an hour had already passed. I opened my eyes after all the chants had been spelt and looked around and the algols.

Nothing. The ritual had failed, I'd made a mistake somewhere. Damn it.

I'd tried once more, offering another half a litre of my blood - at which point a litre of my blood was already offered to this, and I could not do any more since I'd most likely die then - and corping my hands into a prayer position and chanting the spells once again.

Another hour passed, and when I'd opened my eyes this time, the algols glowed a bright red colour, the colour of blood.

I sighed in relief as I take the container which had stored my blood, spilling it evenly onto each algol and chanting another spell as I did so with each algol. I offered my blood to the final algol I'd drawn and then, suddenly, the room glowed a bright red colour which had blinded me for a few seconds.

After the red light had disappeared, I was inside of a room I'd known very well by now; I'd been in the library.

Oh, yes. I'd forgotten to mention: once a revival is completed, I will see a vision of the next time I'd talk to that person. As an example, I should've seen a vision of Vinny stopping my attempted suicide, since that was our first interaction after I'd revived him, but since that was immediately after the revival, the vision had not been shown.

However, for Colleen, the next meeting I'd have with her would clearly be in a while since the vision was present this time. In front of the library, near a bookshelf, stood Colleen.

During a vision, the setting in which I meet the person and the positioning, appearance and emotions of the revived individual is always accurate, it shows me exactly how it'll turn out when I see that person again for the first time after the revival; however, the speech can be directed in anyway according to the savior's response, so I had to assess the situation before speaking with Colleen.

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