Chapter 11 | Bloodlust

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After I'd seen Albert's dead body, I think I'd fainted. It was probably not thanks to the trauma of his death, but rather due to the pain which coursed throughout my entire body. It felt like I hadn't fainted, but I definitely had.

I could tell because I was speaking to the deceased.

"So, Veronica. Are you finally going to take initiative? You're going to put your ability to use, right?", Delta had asked me. I nodded and replied, "once Colleen gets voted out, I will bring her back to life".

"But what if someone else dies and you have a need to bring them back? Like Carlos?", Rosalie's voice had amputated my ears. "It doesn't matter", I'd replied, "Carlos doesn't trust me. There's no need to care about someone if they've just been using you for their own advantage".

"You're right about that", Alicia replied, "I think I agree with Veronica on this one. Sorry, Rosalie". I smiled sweely at Alicia, knowing that everything that had happened had affected her in a way in which she probably would not have anticipated.

"But, you know", replied Chlorine, "I'm sure Carlos had his reasons. I know a detective never trusts anyone, and maybe he just needed to know if you're a double agent for Ally Leronzo". I shook my head, and looked over to the next person who'd decided to argue with Chlorine.

"Chlorine, are you a fucking idiot? You know, people like Carlos are the ones bringing the world down", Miguel had replied.

"That's not right, Miguel", replied Kiryomi, "people like Flavia are the ones bringing down the world, actually". We all turned our heads to look towards Flavia, who'd turned around and started to slowly walk away from the scene. "Sorry? I suppose", she'd uttered before leaving.

"There she goes", Amani replied, "by the way, Veronica, how's Mateo?". "He's fine", I gave a blunt response, not wanting to speak much about their affair.

I'd seen Elaina and Albert opening their mouths, but before either of them could speak, I'd been woken up by Jamila.

"Oh good, you're alright", she gave a soft sigh and smiled, "what happened? Where were you this whole time? Veronica". I slowly sat up on the wooden floor and rubbed my aching head, before nodding to Jamila and telling her I was fine; I'd told her that I was looking for Colleen the prior night instead of telling her that I'd been locked up by Carlos.

Jamila informed me that they'd all split up and were doing the same as me so that they could at least try to understand why she was doing this, so my alibi didn't seem suspicious to her. Thank God.

I looked around the scene to find that and some of the others had already been there along with Jamila, but they'd been inspecting the body of the now deceased Albert. Austin was inspecting the body this time, along with Mateo. Unsurprisingly, Colleen wasn't there...

Though Carlos wasn't there either.

"Where's Carlos?", I foolishly asked. Mateo froze and Austin jumped, they'd both looked towards me. "We were hoping you'd know...", muttered Austin. My pupils went dilated and sweat starting to drip out of my hair. "What are you talking about?!".

Mateo suddenly got up and with a loud echo, he'd said "I'm going to search for Carlos. We don't want any more deaths to happen". Before any of us could give a response, Mateo rushed out of the hallway, looking inside each and every room, calling out Carlos's name repeatedly, trying his utmost best to find him.

'Carlos had given me food and untied me, right...? So, where could he have gone after?', I'd thought to myself for a long time, but I was unable to figure anything out. 'If he'd gone to the library, I would've seen him there last night'. I started to stand up, but I tumbled down thanks to the uncooperative pain which had refused to leave my body. Jamila grabbed my shoulder and sat me back down onto the floor, "don't get up".

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