Chapter 55

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I sat quietly on the couch in my hotel room after breakfast. My eyes were closed trying to imagine the final and result. It was quiet all around me and I could hear and feel my steady breathing.

For a moment I could envision it. The atmosphere and the roar of the crowd. The royal blue surrounding the venue. Across from the taught net was my opponent. Usually my opponents were scowling in my visions and I felt the fierceness required to win. But not this morning, there was Laurie with a smile. I could practically feel her embrace already. To my box I could see Charles.

My vision turned to him holding a blue blanket with a baby tucked into the cloth. The tennis court was gone and I was back on the deck in Manaco with family around and Charles at my side. My dad looked disappointed or emotional, I couldn't decide. Now my attention was pulled in every direction but tennis.

My hand fell to my stomach where my open palm cupped my flat belly pulling me back to reality. "How's it going for you little one," I asked quietly. After a moment passed, I realized what I just did and let out a small huff. I shook my head in disbelief that I just talked to my stomach for the first time. I realized I would never be able to clear my head for just tennis, especially after the last 24 hours.

"Yeah, my thoughts are busy too," I sighed taking my hand off my stomach. "That's because your mom is a disastro." I let myself relax into the couch keeping my eyes closed.

"Catastrophe," the word came from across the room surprising me. I opened my eyes to see Charles leaning against the door and looking at me. He was serious but his eyes were glowing while he watched me.

"Gee thanks," I grumbled.

Charles winked then walked over to sit on the ottoman across from me. "I just want the little one to know French too. Disaster, disastro, catastrophe. It's all very important."

A small giggle finally came from me after none escaped for the last day. "Oh they are going to hate us. Three languages?"

Charles cheekily held up his whole hand to me showing all five fingers. "Five," I asked curiously.

"Italian, French, English, Formula 1, and tennis." Charles stared at me wide eyed while I formed a smile back due to his goofy expression and hand held up.

"Hope they are a smart kid," I replied quietly shifting so I was resting against Charles side. He moved so I was leaned against his chest and I felt his arms come around me.

Charles placed a hand over my stomach slowly, his fingers spreading over the fabric. "This little bug is going to be a genius " he whispered into my ear.

"You sure?"

"Positive," Charles lips found my cheek. "Were you envisioning the win?"

"Yeah until you holding a baby interrupted me," I huffed crossing my arms.

"Boy or girl?"

I shook my head at his response. "Boy I guess, the blanket was blue."

Charles tisked behind me then spoke. "I was hoping girl." I smiled at the thought then let the silence consume us. I closed my eyes again trying to calm my mind.

"Are you still sure about playing?"

I didn't respond but just nodded my head to answer. While the news of my pregnancy dominated the first few hours, the reality of being a professional tennis player took priority afterwards. It was the question of the day, could I finish the tournament?

The doctor's answer was yes after all the work ups. My numbers were good after bloodwork, I was rehydrated, and ultimately the decision was mine as long as I forced myself to stay overly fueled over the next 72 hours. That meant obsessing over hydration, full meals, and scheduled snacks throughout breaks in the match. Bananas, granola, liquids full of electrolytes. If I could do that, the doctor assured there was no harm to the baby.

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