Chapter 15

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I couldn't keep still at my house while I waited for Florence to pull up. My feet wouldn't stop pacing so I glued my but to the stairs leading up to my door, but my knees were bouncing in anticipation. Florence texted me 20 minutes ago that she was getting close to Monaco, so she had to be pulling up soon. Pierre and Kika were already on the boat prepping dinner, and I agreed to meet Florence at my place to leave her car for the week.

My eyes pealed away from the gate when my phone buzzed. It was a text from my manager.

Micheal: I just wanted to give you a heads up. This picture is dropping to the media today unfortunately. Nothing we can't handle, but you should talk to Florence about how you want to handle this attention because she needs to be ready.

I gazed at the photo that was sent to me. Just at first glance I was immediately angry, the paparazzi's invasion of privacy had no bounds. It was clear the photo was taken at Florence's rental house in Manza. When I studied it closer, I could see Florence and I on the front porch with our arms around each other and my lips against her cheek. I took a deep breath trying to evaluate how this picture would perceived by the public. In no way was the photo damming, but it carried a heavy swing that could confirm our interest in one another. We were at her home, physical embrace, it could be time stamped for morning, and people would be able to prove we were in the same clothes as the night before. Damn, this could blow up into our face.

I unfortunately had to deal with this many times, but it was something I've dealt with before.
Florence on the other hand needed to be prepared for what this would do to her life. The idea of Florence being harassed by the media terrified me. It ended a relationship before, and I didn't want it to ever happen again. Especially to Florence who had no interest in flaunting around our lives. Most importantly, because I really wanted whatever we had to work.

I finally texted my manager back taking a few deep breaths. I'll talk to her. Any advice?

Micheal: Come up with a plan, be on the same page for a response, and keep laying low. Enjoy your trip, I promise we will be able to handle this. Don't let this impact your week.

I nodded reading the message, then my phone flashed for gate access. I quickly pressed the accept button allowing the gate to swing open.

I walked down to my driveway as she pulled in and turned off her car. Florence opened the door stepping out, a huge smile on her face. "Hey, you look..."

I cut her off. I was flustered from Micheal's photo news, I was excited to see her, and my emotions for Florence were finally starting to take over. Just for a second, I let my body take over. "I just need to get this out of the way," I whispered pinning her against the side of the car. As a confused chuckle started to escape her mouth, my lips met hers and I didn't hold back.


This kiss was different. There was no hesitation or timid approach, it was heavy and full desire. While the shock of the immediate kiss wore off, I reacted too. My hands went up into his hair and after minutes we parted, it was clear both of us were left wanting more. We didn't have to speak it.

"You should know I really like Monaco," my voice rose and fell between deep breaths. Charles was towering over me, his green eyes studying my face.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself," he chuckled pushing some hair from my face. "Welcome by the way."

"Quite the greeting," I chuckled reaching up and fixing his hair. He looked handsome in a tshirt and shorts, he seemed comfortable in every aspect which put me at ease.

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