Chapter 52

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*Sorry for the long break! Stay tuned this week for many updates! The end is near.


The tear slipped down my cheek as I watched Kelly walk down the aisle. She was beautiful in every way, and she was beaming with joy as she made her way towards us. Nerves, joy, excitement. I couldn't begin to imagine.

Max got me next as I glanced over to him. This was their first time seeing each other and he was sobbing. My heart was melting in every moment. Seeing him so emotional brought more than one tear to my eye.

When Kelly made it to Max, Charles caught my attention on the other side of the alter. His green eyes were shining while he watched the ceremony. There was a toothless grin plastered to his face and his dimples were out to play. Eventually he caught me staring at him and shot me a wink.

To avoid my tears by looking around at everyone, I focused on the ceremony. Max and Kelly exchanged vows and Penelope brought up the rings. The finale was the ring exchange and kiss that brought the venue to a roar of cheers that rang out from me as well. Max and Kelly were married.


"Just one more shot," Kika said hanging on to my shoulder. She was dangling the glass in front of me, the smell of tequila filling my nose already causing it to scrunch.

"My god," I scoffed out with a cough trying to push the shot away.

"Shots than dance, you can do it," Kika said returning it to my face.

While I was still tensing away from the shot, Kelly walked up in her beautiful white dress. "Shots than dance," she smiled sitting next to me.

Kika smiled deviously at me handing me the shot. "You might be able to refuse me but not the bride."

I moaned out a fine. "But we're all taking them," I said in return. I stood waving a staff down with a tray grabbing two more shots and offering a thanks. I sat them down next to Kelly and Kika then grabbed mine. "To the most beautiful bride," I smiled toasting to the girls.

"Here here," Kika said clinging all of our glasses together. The tequila slid down my throat with a burn. Shots were not my favorite way of drinking, especially not tequila.

As I put the glass down, Kelly was pulled away by her mom onto the dance floor which just left Kika and I. We were getting ready to join the dancing when Pierre came running up clearly excited.

He put his arms around both Kika and I and tried to keep his voice as low as possible but struggled speaking between deep breaths. "You won't believe what I just fucking saw."

Kika rolled her eyes and hummed. "I don't know did Daniel do a shoee," she asked uninterested. She was trying to tug away to the dance floor.

"Even better," Pierre said excitedly. "Think high drama."

I couldn't think of anything and Kika didn't have the patience for the guessing game tonight with the dance floor just steps away. She just told him to spill already while I was preparing my guess.

"Corrine just got removed by security before she was barely through the front door," Pierre whispered pulling both of us close.

Kika looked over at me with her eyes wide and my jaw had practically hit the floor. "She was here," I whispered out. I was virtually gobsmacked hearing this news. While I knew she was involved with the story, I had blocked out any information over the last few months for the sake of my own mental health.

"Yeah, she's lucky she didn't get arrested. I can't believe she would show up," Pierre said nonchalantly.

"Arrested," I repeated back curiously.

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