Chapter 7

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It was 7:00 and I flopped onto my bed. I was stuffed from team dinner, and between recovery practice and media day, I was emotionally spent. The photo shoots and interviews went on for far too many hours. The same question I was asked in every interview repeated in my head. This will be your third slam final in the last two years. With losses in the last two, you've gained some valuable experience. How do you get over the hump this final. How have you prepared to finally get a win during the last match of grand slam?

Finally was the the word that haunted me the most.

My phone buzzed allowing me to escape my thought. Laurie's name flashing across my screen. "Thank god," I said quickly choosing to answer.

Her voice was a welcome sound. "Hey there superstar, have time for a fan."

"Always. You called just in time."

I heard Laurie give me a long ahhh. "Stuck inside your own thoughts too long?"

"Saved me per usual," I responded. Laurie has been my closest friend for the last 6ish years. We met at the US open, both in our first year on the tour. We clicked instantly and played as doubles partners from our second year on. She was recovering from a wrist surgery back home in Australia. "What time is it there?"

"The right time to check in on my dearest friend."

"I wish you could be cheering me from the box tomorrow," I said. "England is way less exciting."

She laughed in the phone catching me off guard. "I think England has been plenty exciting without me."

She was setting me up and I didn't bite. "How's the wrist?" It was a feeble attempt to change the subject.

"Healing, don't avoid the topic. Spill," she demanded.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said leaning back in my bed.

"Fine then I'll start. Care to explain why your dad is hugging my celebrity crush during your match?" I had no clue what she was talking about. My silence answering the question. "You haven't seen the pictures have you," she asked.

"This is news to me."

"Hang on," she replied. My phone dinged and I looked at her text that just came in. I put my phone on speaker and opened her screen shot from twitter. There it was, two different pictures. My dad was over where Charles was seated during the match. The first being the embrace. The second of them standing and talking and Charles with his hand in his hair.

"Che cazzo [what the fuck]." I whispered.

"I KNOW!" Her voice blurted back at me. "It happened between your 2nd and 3rd set when you were able to go to the locker room to pee. So explain yourself," she pleaded.

"FINE, but don't kill me," I chuckled. Laurie was in love with the Ferrari drivers. Probably the main reason I was able to identify Charles at my match the first time.

"Don't kill you? Wait, are you crushing on something other than tennis? You are."

"Okay okay," I spoke into the phone trying to slow her down." He ended up watching my quarterfinal because of the delay. He found me after the match and we hung out my off day a couple of days ago. It was nice."

She scoffed, "you didn't just say it was nice when explaining Charles Leclerc did you?"

I chuckled knowing she would never let me live this moment down. "He's a very passionate tennis fan," I added. "And apparently hugs my father."

"You lucky bitch," she said laughing.

I heard my door open and saw my dad walking in. He paused when he saw me on the phone giving me a moment.

"I'll explain more when we are in New York, my coach just entered and is waiting for me."

"As soon as we get there. But before you go, I'm seriously so proud of you! Know I'm watching and will be cheering loudly. Stay out of your head and work the slice I hate. The best of luck storming your way," Laurie's genuine tone pouring through the phone. "Love you so much, I'll talk to you after."

"Love you too," I said back before the phone call dropped. 

My dad took his usual spot at the end of my bed. "Tell Laurie hello and that I hope she's healing up when you talk to her next." I nodded as he continued. "You ready?"

"Hopefully," I sighed. He shifted sitting next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"We're gonna need that answer to be more confident in the morning," he said kindly.

"Promise. Just nervous tonight," I admitted.

He nodded. "So am I. But regardless I'm proud of you and so is your mom."

I smiled, knowing my dad only brought her up when he really needed support. "You talk to her yesterday?" I shifted my head so I could look up at him. His gaze was set straight ahead.

"Yes, she was very comforting."

"She did the same for me. Told me to smile and swing away," I added. He glanced down at me smiling.

"You play just like her," his tone quiet. I rested my head against his shoulder. We stayed like that for a moment. The moments my dad brought up my mom were often rare but special. It was common for me to wish he did it more, but I knew it was difficult for him to to talk about her. After 5 minutes he stirred. "I'll fall asleep if we keep this up," he chuckled.

I nodded and shifted my head back up.

"I know you like your personal time the night before the match, so I'll keep it short. Alarm at 9am. We will only be 5 minutes behind, then business. Daniel suggested bed by 11 and sleep by midnight, if you can sleep."

"Yes coach," I chirped back. My dad shook his head and placed a kiss to the side of my head. He stood up and made his way to the door. 

"Love you kiddo."

"Love you too pops."

The door closed and I was alone. I leaned back closing my eyes when my phone dinged again. I picked it up opening the text expecting it to be Laurie. My eyebrows raised when I saw the text came from Charles.

Charles: Bonsee! How does your trainer feel about a night swim?

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