Chapter 48

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Kika was sitting beside me laughing with her mouth wide open. I think she was shocked by the sight of me scarfing down my oatmeal this morning.

"Can I help you?" I asked with my mouth full.

Kika got composure before she spoke. "I just want to make sure you remember to breathe."

"I am," I scoffed at her swallowing my food. Just have a tight schedule to make game night and dinner at 7."

"You know we are on vacation. What has you in a rush?"

I put my fork down letting the excitement ooze out of me. "So I have this favorite book..."

"Oh I love when stories start with that," Kika said sarcastically interrupting me.

I shushed her dramatically pushing my finger in front of her mouth. "The Count of Monte Cristo. You should read it, it's in my room. But I'm getting distracted. They filmed the most beautiful scenes here for the movie, and I have a map for all the places I need to go today." The words were spilling out of me. "Rock cliffs, caves, historical towers, swimming holes."

"You're the cutest nerd I know," Kika said resting her chin on her hands.

"Care to join," I offered out. I wasn't planning on making this day well known because I didn't want distractions, but Kika would be a fun companion.

"Oooo, a day of walking and schedules?"

I nodded my head eagerly awaiting her answer.

She hummed and I could tell she was playing with me now. "I'll take jet skis, wine, puzzles, and my book," she said winking at me. "I'm sorry, I'm sure someone will want to join you."

I went back to my oatmeal taking large bites. "Invitation only, can't have people slowing me down."

"Well thank you for the invite. You sure you're going to be okay on your own?"

"I can't mess it up, I've been planning it far too long," I said confidently.

"Well go enjoy you're adventure my little book worm. I'll have wine for when you get back."

I smiled at her purposely flashing my food. "If I don't come back, don't look for me. I may have found heaven."

"Lovely," Kika said smiling at me. "I'm gonna get ready for the day," she said standing up and kissing my cheek. "Please come back from heaven, I need you here. Pierre may ask to workout with me instead if you go missing."

"Can't have that," I yelled after her with a chuckle. I finished my food and downed my orange juice. I'm sure if anyone was watching, they would have assumed I've gone crazy with my hectic behavior. My bag and water bottle were already packed next to me, and I was getting ready to get on the little boat.

The group knew I was taking the little boat for the day, but when I jumped in it I realized my critical error. I knew how to drive a boat now living in Monaco, but while I stared at the fancy dash, I had no idea how to even start it. The key was in my hand and I couldn't find the place to put it. I was on my hands and knees looking under the dash when I heard Charles voice call down.

"Florence, what are you doing?"

I tried to stand bumping my head and then sighing in frustration. "I can't figure out how to start the boat," I sighed loudly falling into the seat.

"Need some help?"

I nodded my head giving up on trying to figure it out myself. Charles jumped down into the boat. He was in flip flops, swim trunks, and a linen shirt. My hand held out the key reluctantly which he snatched from me.

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