Chapter 21

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I can't remember the last time I was this giddy. My knees were bouncing non-stop on the way over here, I was humming everywhere, and according to Laurie I was far too chatty before coffee.

Nick had booked a small charter flight for us early in the morning, so we had made it in plenty of time for Friday's practice. Fortunately it was raining when we arrived, so there were few media at the entrance of the paddock. I stayed tucked into my rain coat and pulled the Ferrari cap low on my head, and I managed to avoid any attention for now.

I brought my friends to a box where we started enjoying some morning mimosas, and my friends had their head on a swivel taking everything in. The plan was to enjoy practice from the suite, then after it was over I would be able to bring everyone down to the garages to meet Charles, introduce ourselves to whoever else we could bother, and explore. I was also eager to see more of the paddock this time, feeling more comfortable now that I knew a few of the drivers.

Practice was in a little less than an hour, so I was surprised when I received a text from Charles.

Charles: you up for a quick hello in the garage

Laurie walked over while I was responding and tilted her head watching me smile down at my phone.

I realized her presence and looked up at her, her eyes glaring at me while she sipped her mimosa. "My god you're insufferable," her tone accusing but you could hear her amusement. "You got a song stuck in my head, you couldn't shut up long enough on the plane for me to nap, and my hands are tired of trying to hold your knee down. Now you're smiling at the phone, Florence I'm worried about you," the grin was sneaking onto her face.

"Is it a good song at least," I said back putting my phone away.

"You're lucky I like Taylor Swift. Now go find your Monegasque, you and I can chat when you're back," Laurie said picking up on my eagerness. I kissed her cheek before walking off.

It was a quick walk to the Ferrari garage, and I made sure to keep my hat low over my face, no one seemed too interested in my presence yet. The plan was to be public, but keeping as much possible attention away was the goal of the next few days.

The Ferarri garage was coming into view but a horrific scream stopped me in my tracks. "Florence Bonsee, oh my goodness" a voice yelled over the constant murmur of people working. The scream was loud, it seemed unnecessary, and the snobby tone to the accent already put me at unease.

I felt like a cartoon character, my shoulders shot up, and I felt like I spun around 20 times to see where the voice came from or if anyone was paying attention. Fortunately everyone was going about their business, but I did see a blonde woman waving at me from a few feet behind, I had no clue who she was.

"Hi," I offered up as the woman walked closer. While she approached me I noticed her beautiful white dress, heels, and full face of makeup, she had to be close to my age. I looked down at my loose jeans, my colorful Nike air forces, and simple white Ferrari tshirt. I pulled on my red Ferrari cap suddenly feeling a little self-conscious.

"Sorry to scare you," she chuckled. "I just wanted to introduce myself!" Her voice continuing to have an obnoxious ring in my ear. I did feel myself relax when I realized I wasn't supposed to know this woman. "I'm Corrine, it's nice to meet you," her hand shooting out at me.

I shook her hand and gave a small reply, keeping it short and polite as possible, I wasn't fully trusting of this encounter yet. "Florence, like you said, it's nice to meet you."

"You're even cuter in person. I'm an old friend of Charles, so I just wanted to welcome you to the paddock personally."

I nodded faking a smile, "thank you so much, it's nice to meet someone close to Charles. Your dress is beautiful by the way," I forced out trying to appear friendlier. My eyes went wide when she did a full spin showing it off, I could not be more uncomfortable with this interaction.

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