Chapter 30

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I felt Charles breath rise and fall more steadily, hopeful he had finally fallen asleep. The light outside the plane was starting to darken, we had only been flying for a couple of hours and still had countless hours to go. I was laying beside him, my head resting on his chest, and his breathing almost coaxed me to sleep until I heard him sigh, disrupting the rhythm.

"I thought you were sleeping," I whispered.

"I was almost there, but my mind got racing at the very end there," Charles replied.

"Are you okay?"

Charles hummed taking a moment to respond. "I'll be okay, so much just happened so fast."

Charles was short, I knew it was a heavy day for him. "How was Carlos?"

"He was super out of it, but he did let me know he should be able to fly home in a couple of days once the hospital releases him. His dad is already on a flight to Japan. Once he gets there I know Carlos will feel better."

I sighed knowing that was good news. Carlos had a concussion and had severe burns on one of his hands. The entire paddock was saying how fortunate those were the only injuries sustained in terms of the crash, regardless I still thought it was horrific.

"How do you do it?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Do what?"

"Get in the car knowing the risk? I guess I've learned over these last few months that you and almost all the drivers know the tragedy that can come with the sport." I know the question was bold, but I couldn't help myself. I got worried when Charles didn't respond to me right away, thinking I asked too much at the wrong time. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to," I added peering up at him. He looked serious.

"It's part of the sport no doubt. Most of the time racing is in the family, so we've grown up understanding the risk. I've been scared before, but the sport has made incredible steps in safety. Maybe we are all a little mad too, but it's something we love."

I nodded against his chest, nuzzling back into him letting the quiet take over for minutes. Charles broke the silence this time.

"I have two things to ask you," Charles said his tone lighter.


"Were you going to tell me how difficult Corrine has been?"

I sighed wondering when this topic was going to be brought up. "I like using Kika's phrasing, nothing more than a mosquito bite."

My response made him chuckle, but Charles quickly stopped it. "While that is funny, what's she's doing is not. It's gonna cause a lot of unnecessary headaches if this keeps up."

"I can handle her and whatever it brings," I sighed. "No one would ever go after the handsome driver."

"Exactly, and that's not fair. You'll let me know if she says anything else with you? I can handle her media bullshit attack," Charles said.

I nodded smiling to myself.

"You were cute three years ago," Charles added.

"So you saw the article?"

"Of course I did, I'm very aware of things that impact you Florence. I just wish I could do more to help."

"Thank you," I said.

"Now for my second question," Charles voice sounded more serious. I shifted so I was looking at him, his green eyes piercing mine while I rested my chin on my hands. "When you found me on the track yesterday, do you remember what you said to me?"

I thought for a second, my brain was frazzled in that moment. "Mmmm, just that I was happy you were safe. We talked about positive thoughts for Carlos."

"Exactly," Charles said jumping on my thought. "You said think positive thoughts my love." His eyes were searching mine, as I realized what I said down to the word.

My love, I couldn't believe that word had escaped me in that moment. I cared about Charles deeply, but was it love yet? I don't know. Love was always reserved for friends and family, and I knew I had never loved any previous men in my life. All I knew was Charles felt like no one else, and I didn't want to scare him away with such a claim. I didn't have a word for it yet either. I escaped my mind when I heard Charles clear his throat before talking.

"Florence I want you to know..."

I cut him off, traumatized that what I said on Sunday would be far too early of a confession for feelings I didn't have a name for yet.


I wanted to let the final words spill out of me, you have been the best surprise these last few months and you have my heart Florence. I'm in love with you.

But I was never able to finish my sentence. Florence was frantic as she began to speak, I assumed she didn't know what I was preparing to say by her reaction. "Charles, I think I was just caught up in the moment of the day. I'm not sure why my love came out, but I promise you mean so much to me even if I haven't spoken those words yet."

I let out a steady breath trying to make sure I hid any disappointment from my own side. It didn't upset me that Florence didn't feel the same yet, I was just so ready to tell her how I felt and instead I was swallowing my words back. "No harm done Florence, you mean more than you know," I decided to go with not wanting to overwhelm her. This weekend had been heavy, and I knew she was exhausted.

"Thank you," she smiled then situated herself as she was nuzzled back into my chest. Her face no longer was turned to mine so I leaned my head back squeezing my eyes shut. "Charles, I had an idea that you may not be crazy about."

"And what's that?"

"I know I didn't get to meet your family after everything with Carlos, but I'm so tired and ready to be home for just a minute. Would you be upset if I stayed in Italy when we get back instead of the few days in Monaco. I can meet them at the very next opportunity, I promise," her voice steady.

"They would completely understand," I said. I knew Florence had to be spent. She hadn't been home in almost 2 months. She went from Austria, DC, winning in New York, straight to Singapore, then ending in Japan. "You're a trooper you know that?"

I heard her chuckle lightly, "you make it easy."

I took a second to think of our schedule, always the biggest obstacle to the both of us. My next race was back in the US in two weeks. "What if you show me around Milan this coming weekend. Gives us a few days to regroup at home." Florence looked back up at me nodding eagerly. "Then you'll have to meet my mom soon, otherwise she may kill me."

"I promise," Florence smiled.

I closed my eyes seeing if sleep could finally take over, feeling Florence resume her previous position. Within a few minutes I felt her breathing steady knowing Florence had fallen asleep. I did my best to focus on clearing my mind and focused on the rhythm of her breath, but I couldn't sleep yet.

I was frustrated with myself for not just telling Florence how I felt, I was still thinking about Carlos in the hospital, and I was ready to tell Corrine off.

I didn't tell Florence how desperate Corrine had gotten. She was trying to dig up so many stories that even Ferraris media team found out about her attempts and was able protect a few stories, especially information about her mom's accident. I knew Corrine was ridiculous and dramatic, but I didn't think she was this unhinged to be targeting Florence. However, the report the media director gave me, I knew Corrine was making attempts that would go too far.

Ferrari shared the information with me that they managed to keep away from Corrine. Information about her mother's accident that I wish I never heard, but with me knowing, along with my personal team, came protection from anyone revealing this information. The only problem, I don't think Florence is even aware of this information, and the knowledge was heavy.

I had too many secrets from her now. The fact that I was absolutely in love with her. My contract offer that could move me to England. Most importantly, a family secret I had no business knowing. I wanted to tell her all of them, but I was advised to keep that information to myself. As for my feelings, that was my own fault.

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