Chapter 11

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Florence over here.

Florence Bonsee, how do you feel about waving the checkered flag today?

Florence, team Ferrari or Alpine?

That question got me, causing a chuckle, the Ferrari cap clearly on my head.

Bonsee, are you romantically linked to Charles Leclerc?

My face went back to expressionless, not wanting the media to jump to any conclusions. Maybe, my mind thought pulling me back to our kiss last night.

The way he pulled me in on the swing focused on my lips, I wasn't able to resist him anymore. The memory flashed front and center. The feeling of my hands in his hair, the scent of him consuming me, and his lips continuously brushing against mine. Charles hand cradling my face, the other roaming my back, also so the swings couldn't create space between us. Whenever the kiss would begin to deepen, it intentionally felt like Charles would hold back to keep both of us from letting the physical attraction take over. While my body only wanted him closer, my mind appreciated his restrain, because in that moment I wouldn't have been able to resist him.

I scanned through to the paddock entrance, leaving behind the swarm of media trying to get my attention. I also did my best to clear my mind.
"So you're getting to wave the checkered flag," Kika asked me in the suite. The race was about half way through, and it was going wonderfully for Charles. He had to start at p6 due to a 3 place penalty for mechanical needs before the race, but he has already climbed to p-4 and gaining.

I reluctantly pulled my attention from the track, returning to Kika and a few other girlfriends that introduced themselves earlier. I nodded towards her, the sound of the track trying to pull me back.

She let out a wohoo clapping her hands. "That has to be so cool!"

"You wanna do it for me, I'm a little nervous," I admitted.

She handed me another drink of champagne, "this should help." I let out a thanks as she turned to Kelly, Max Verstappen's girlfriend. "Kelly, show her your form," Kika yelled across the room.

Kelly walked over, an amused look on her face. She grabbed a small Ferrari fan flag that was left earlier. "It's all in the wrist," she chuckled while waving the flag gracefully. She handed it to me, both Kika and Kelly's eyes glued to me.

I let out a chuckle gripping the flag and trying to mimic Kelly's movement. The flag flipped like it was soaked every time I shifted my hand, all 3 of us busted out laughing.

"More flimsy wrist, less tennis racket swing," Kika said between giggles.

"I'm gonna need more champagne," I mumbled as we all continued laughing. Kelly signaled a server to order another bottle. I looked at the two girls sitting at the table with me, and I really enjoyed their company.

"So is tennis as busy as being dragged around the world for f1," Kelly said opening a new conversation.

"For the most part, maybe not as weekly and globally for you all. Smaller tournaments build around slams, so we stay pretty regional depending on where the grand slam is. January is a pain just cause it's so far to Australia, then April though July are absolutely insane. The end of August to September get busy in America too."

"How is that going to work for you and Charles," Kika asked curiously. I watched Kelly's eyebrows raise to the news, as Kika smirked innocently.

"How much has Pierre told you," I laughed not expecting her question.

"Enough to know you two are getting along. Charles refuses to gossip with Pierre about you, it's so frustrating," she smiled. "Have you two gotten... close?" Her question was paired with a wink.

"Kika!" Kelly laughed hitting her in the arm. "Leave them be."

"I'll just say we get along quite well," I offered, leaving an emphasis on quite.

"Ugh, your just like Charles! No tea," Kika said grabbing her drink. We all laughed while the race pulled our attention back to the track. I drank my champagne as well, grateful Pierre shared my number with Kika. They made the race so entertaining, and I could see us all getting along IF I attend another race.
I walked to the Ferrari garage when they had 5 laps left. My eyes were glued to the race and any tv I could find. A staff gave me the flag and told me they would come back. I could barely focus on her, as Lando and Charles were battling for p2. Max was only leading from there by 2 seconds. Charles was fearless, and I couldn't imagine what adrenaline he was feeling!

Charles was less than a second behind Lando when a staff pulled me from the garage, entering the last lap for the leading cars. I was being dragged toward a ledge above the track. I could only listen to the crowd, wondering what was going on. By the reactions in the stands, I knew Charles had to be challenging for second place.

The car in last place flew by me, as I leaned into the gap of the fence. My torso slightly leaned over the track, a huge smile appeared on my face. The lady yelled at me to start waving the flag. I gripped the flag, trying to twist my wrist like Kelly. The flag was waving, but I didn't care how it looked. My eyes were trained on the track waiting to see the red Ferrari. The sound came first, the roar of engines approaching. The red bull came first, then I saw red and orange come racing toward me. I couldn't tell who was in in front yet while my cheers escaped my mouth.

"Andiamo Charles, ANDIAMO [let's go]!"

My head turned fast as Charles flew by, the flag blowing at the wind their cars created! The Ferrari finished p2, half a car in front of Lando! My cheers poured out as I continued waving the checkered flag.

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