his voice was low and raspy, and his hair was a mess on his head. watching him yawn and fix his hair, taehyung stood against the door, his arms behind his back as he kept them placed on the knob, "hi."

jungkook eyed taehyung's stance and sat up against the headboard, "you okay?"

he didnt get a response, but taehyung instead moved away from the door. he slowly walked to jungkook, moving the covers aside and climbing onto his lap, straddling him.

surprised, jungkook placed his hands on taehyung's hips. he didnt feel like taehyung was asking for sex right now, so he felt awkward on how to proceed.

but, his heart tugged at seeing taehyung's wet eyes. they were also puffy and his long, wet eyelashes seemed to flutter in the semi-lit room.

"hey, what's wrong?" jungkook softly asked, moving one hand to hold against taehyung's cheek.

he wanted to communicate with him. jungkook wanted to know every single thought in taehyung's mind right now but, would taehyung finally let him in? would he finally let him in his mind?

taehyung smiled a small smile, his hand going up to jungkook's cheek to trace the small scar imprinted on his skin.

taehyung whispered, "how'd you get this?"

even in the barely lit room, jungkook could see the gleam in taehyung's eyes. he could seen the pain that resided in them. he could see care and he could see some of taehyung's personality. his eyes never left his.

there was nothing more powerful than their eyes meeting at that moment, longing for each other's company. for each other's touch. for each other's voice.

jungkook leaned his head into taehyung's touch on his scar and stroked his thumb on taehyung's waist, "had it since i was little. i got into this fight with my sister's boyfriend, some douchebag who was using her, and he pulled a knife."

taehyung's eyes shone, "he cut you?"

"yep. i won the fight, though. he had to go to the hospital the next day."

taehyung smiled and continued to trace jungkook's scar, "you're a good guy, jungkook. too good, sometimes. you deserve to be happy."

jungkook took notice in the way taehyung's gleamed, "so do you."

at that, taehyung broke eye contact and stared down at jungkook's chest, "i never got to thank you."

jungkook's eyebrows scrunched, "for what?"

taehyung brought his gaze back onto jungkook's, "for saving me."

jungkook smiled, "you saved us, taehyung."

taehyung shook his head, "no, you really saved me. i would have been stuck. but, you all saved me, so thanks. thanks for everything."

jungkook nodded, but felt a tiny prick of unease arise in his gut. something about this conversation wasn't steering him the right way.

of course, this moment was perfect. just them talking to each other and enjoying the life given to them. so, why did it feel so... wrong? why did it feel like a farewell?

why did it feel like taehyung was saying goodbye?

jungkook ignored his thoughts and brought his hand to taehyung's cheek, using his thumb to slowly caress his cheek, "you know you're with us now? you're our family, like i said before. i care about you a lot, taehyung."

taehyung held his gaze and bit his bottom lip before grabbing jungkook's hand with his own, holding it and bringing it to his lips to softy kiss, "i know."

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