The rally continued, Iga pinning her deep in a corner twice, on the second hit Florence was able to hit a difficult pass on the baseline. It didn't have the speed to go by Iga but she returned a soft ball headed just over the net on Flo's side of the court. I had to avoid shooting to my feet at that moment, watching Florence will herself to chase after it towards the net. Iga crashing the net as well to defend. Florence reached and did the tennis slide that always mesmerized me, especially on hard surfaces. Her racket hit the ball cleanly low to the ground and it sailed up over the net passed Iga and was in. I was up in seconds cheering before everyone else.

Florence had done it, she broke Iga. While I cheered, I watched her slowly return to the baseline with hands on her hips. I looked down at Gregor who was clapping but remained in his seat. He was stoic but I could see the worry in his forehead being so close.

I sat back down after Florence returned her focus to the court and away from the box. "That's it, she's done it," I said quietly leaning into Gregor so he could hear me.

"Almost," he whispered back. "She's tired. She needs to use her serve to avoid long points."

I nodded in agreement. While I had enjoyed tennis before Florence, I loved it now and understood it far more than I could have imagined. Gregor was teaching me the patience you had to have in the box though. In my mind I couldn't see how the match wasn't won, Gregor reminded me of the resilience and patience the players had to have.

Almost like Florence heard Gregor's coaching point to me, she did exactly what she needed to. She served the biggest she had in the match finding the last energy. One ace, one rally lost to make it 15-15. The next two points Florence managed big serves that resulted in blocked shots back into the court that let her go on attack. The first shot being a powerful forehand that went passed Iga. The winning shot being a bounce near the net she was able to put away with an overhand to the other side of the net.

When the match was over and we all got up cheering, Florence fell to her knees then dropped the racket. She fell back sprawling out. She didn't celebrate or yell and just laid there for a moment. For a second I was worried wondering what was going on, but before I could react Florence was slowly pushing herself up.

As the crowd continued to celebrate, I sat down taking a deep breath and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text from Lando.

Finals here we come mate. Want to sit together 😉


"It's not fitness is it," I asked Daniel while we waited for her in the club room relaxing on the couch.

"No, she's as fit as she can be. Always has been," Daniel said not able to hide a little bit of worry. "Her body is stressed. It's not as fueled as it should be," he sighed running his hand through his hair.

"Should we be worried?"

Daniel shook his head. "It happens even to the best. Tennis is like that."

As we finished talking Florence walked in, her body language showing the fatigue. She gave a small smile greeting all of us going to her dad first at a slow pace.

"Way to push kiddo," he smiled walking up to her and pulling Florence into a hug.

"Thanks," she said returning the embrace gingerly. I stayed put as Daniel stood to greet her, the three of them talking amongst themselves.

After a few moments Florence turned to me giving me a wink. "I'll be back," she said turning from them while Daniel and Gregor continued to talk across the room.

I stood from the couch and held my arms out, she practically fell into them.

"Hey there," I smiled as Florence looked up at me. "You played tough."

"Thanks," she said leaning up to kiss me then basically buried herself into my chest.

I kept my arms around her pulling her tight. "You know the first time I watched you..."

"Charles." Her saying my name interrupted us as her face was pressed up into me. The sound barely escaped. She pulled away and I could tell all the color had left her face in just that short moment.

"Flo," I asked worriedly.

Her sentence was just above a whisper. "I need you to sit me down right now. Then get help." As soon as she said it her body was almost limp and completely dependent on me holding her up.

I loosened by grip slowly and guided Florence down as she groaned.

"Gregor, call a medic," I said as calmly as possible while I lowered her to the ground. Gregor and Daniel turned to us quickly taking us in.

Before I could think I was following Daniels instruction as Gregor helped me get Florence to the floor. Daniel talked to her quietly. Gregor quickly called someone and put his phone back in the pocket.

"Florence talk to me sweetie," he said leaning down close to us.

"Just faint," Florence said lightly but clearly doing her best to stay with it. She went back to talking quietly with Daniel as I sat by her feet and made sure her legs were elevated in my lap.

"You're okay Florence," I said as confidently as possible.

"Keep talking to Daniel," Gregor said as he picked back up his phone which was ringing.

He looked at me before answering. "You sure you don't have anything to share so I can tell the medical team," Gregor asked in a flat tone but remained his cool.

"Positive," I said looking at him. "The test was negative." The words slipped out of me before I could think.

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