Beth England X Y/N~It Will Always Be You Over Club Rivalry~

Start from the beginning

Eventually, the half time whistle comes, still at 2-0 for us gunners. We slowly walk off the pitch and down the tunnel, into our changing room.

We all sit in our seats, taking on hydration as we wait for Jonas, and soon enough he comes in, "Right, great first half girls"

" I have not too much to complain about to be totally honest, i'm impressed, keep playing how you're playing. I am going to make some subs, not until the 60th minute or so, first it'll be Lotte coming on for y/n, y/n you need to give your knee a rest before international break, sound good?" I nod in response, a little disappointed, but I haven't really got say in it regardless.

Eventually he finishes talking, going over tatics, subs and some other little details, and then it's time for us to head on back out.

We head back out of the tunnel, jogging onto the pitch, getting into a huddle for another quick team talk from Katie, quickly after, the ref blows her whistle and we all go to our positions to carry on with this game.

Not a lot happened for the first ten minutes, and then that was my queue to get subbed off, the stadium erupted with applause as I jogged off, high fiving Lotte before making my way to the bench with the rest of the girls.

Beth's POV

We kicked off the second half, and we have actually been able to keep the possession, occasionally we'd lose it, but we'd get it straight back. As the ball rolled out for a spurs throwing, subs were being made, y/n coming off.

Weird I thought, she's always playing full games, something mustn't be right, I could see the disappointment in her face as she made her way off, making way for Lotte. The game is quick to start back up, I make a quick run down the line as the ball is thrown to me, I can already feel the presence of gunners behind me as I ran as fast as I could to get into the box.

Just as I get out of the zone 14, I go to take a shot, only being me v the keeper, I lift my right foot up, but before I could even get contact with the ball, my left foot was harshly tackled, instantly I drop to the side, landing on my hip.

As soon as my body made contact with the ground, I felt something in my hip click or pop, instantly I screamed out, in absolute agony, unable to move.


Oh Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Shit, that's a fuckin bad one" I said as I jumped up from my seat, looking from a distance as my girlfriend layed on the ground, clearly in a lot of pain.

The ref came running up to Katie, pulling a card out her pocket, giving her an instant red card, the rest of the girls on the bench were going absolutely mental alongside Jonas, but I couldn't even speak, the rest of our girls on the pitch were pleading with the ref about the booking situation. My eyes trailed to the spurs medics sprinting on the pitch.

Beth was barely moving, which I just know wasn't good at all, she's not one to be dramatic about a foul, and to be totally honest, it was a really shitty decision from Katie.

I couldn't see what else was going on as the spurs players and medics surrounded Beth, making me even more anxious and frustrated about the whole situation.

After at least ten minutes from the tackle, Beth still hadn't moved, I looked over to now see even more paramedics and medics now coming onto the pitch, holding an orange stretcher, oh shit, this is really fucking bad.

Katie was now heading inside the tunnel and assumingly, into the changing room, clearly she was furious about the red card, and so was the rest of our team, however I on the other hand, was truly furious about the tackle, there was no effort to go in for the ball, and it's seriously hurt Beth.

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