★ 9 - Cabin Cleanup ★

205 5 37

Haiii :3

I actually fully caught up to my homework somehow, so I have time to write!!!

Also, I'm gonna mention spiders, so if that makes you uncomfy read carefully

Now enjoy :]

"Hunter? Willow? Where are you?" Gus asked in the distance. "Out here!" I called out. He popped his head outside. "Oh, there you are!"

"What's up?" Willow asked. "We're deciding who's doing what in the cabin. Cmon!" We went to the kitchen table and sat down.

"Okay, so there's five jobs and five of us. We take one each." Luz said with a very business-like demeanor.

"We have to clean spiderwebs, sweep the floor, clean the Windows, clear out the animals and clear out the nests." She listed the jobs on her fingers.

"I'll clear out the animals since I know how. Whoever clears out the nests will have to stick with me. So, who's gonna do what?" She asked.

"I'll clean the spiderwebs." I said, remembering what I said to Amity. "Alright, three jobs left." Luz counted.

We finished deciding who was doing what and noted it down; Luz clearing out animals, Amity clearing up their nests, Gus cleaning Windows, Willow sweeping floors and me cleaning spiderwebs. We went out to the cabin and got to work.

Warning, spider time

I kinda get why Amity is so scared of spiders. They're not the most pleasant thing to look at. Luz said to release any big ones outside, but if i found a hoard of small ones, I should just kill them with the spray she gave me.

I was finding many hoards of tiny ones. I lost count. I wasn't even counting the individual spiders, just the hoards.

The actual spiderweb cleaning was alright though. Luz gave me this big duster thing to clean them with. It was actually very easy. Certainly a lot less chaotic than clearing out the animals, as I saw her chasing (and being chased by) a possum at least twice.

Eventually however, I did find a decently sized spider. It was by itself aswell. It was mostly black, but it had a little red bit on it's back.

Luz didn't exactly tell me how to release the spiders, so I grabbed a stool and got it down with my hands.

"Whatcha got there?" Willow asked, looking up from the pile of dust she had sweeped together. "Spider." I answered. "Ah. Lemme get the door for ya." She said, stepping forward and opening it. "Thanks!" I smiled at her.

As I was walking to the forest,  I felt a small pinch in my hand. I assumed the spider bit me and didn't think anything else of it. I let it go and returned to my web-cleaning duties.


It was dark when we went back inside. My hand was itchy. "Ugh, I think a spider bit me." I said, shaking my hand as we entered the house. "Oooh, yikes." Gus grimaced. "Gross." Amity shivered.

"Bit you? How?" Luz asked. "I picked it up and put it outside and it bit me in the process. You didn't tell me how else to release it." I said, unlacing my shoes. "Now my hand's all itchy."

"Huh. What'd it look like?" She asked. "Relatively small, mostly black but it had a little red spot on its back and-" I described the spider, but stopped when I saw Luz's face. Sh looked horrified. "...why are you looking at me like that?"

"MAMI! I HUNTER GOT BITTEN BY A BLACK WIDOW SPIDER!" Luz yelled, frantically running to the kitchen. "QUÉ?! A BLACK WIDOW??" Luz's mom yelled back. "They have names?" Amity whispered. "Am I missing something here?" I asked, scratching my hand.

"YES?? Dude, black widows are like, VENOMOUS?" She said, clearly shocked. "VENOMOUS?" Amity, Willow and Gus said at the same time. "Oh." I said blankly.

"OH?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN OH?!" Luz asked, clearly confused as to why I wasn't reacting much. I shrugged. "Stuff like venom and poison doesn't really affect me."

She seemed to calm down a bit, going from petrified to scared-confused. "What? I- How do you even know that??"

"People tried to poison me a few times back in the emporer's coven." I said. "POISON you?" Luz's mother asked, astounded. "Uh, yeah? It just gave me a sore throat really. Is that not normal? Am I supposed to be concerned about it?"

"No?? People don't often try to poison each other." Gus said. "Oh. I more meant the lack of a reaction..." I said, still scratching my hand where it bit me. "You mean you thought poison attempts were the norm?!" Luz asked, even more shocked than she was originally. "Um...yes?" I shrugged again. She stared at me like she wanted to say too many things at once and couldn't decide.

"You know what? Whatever. We'll discuss this another time. We gotta do something about that bite." She said, pointing to my hand. "It's fine, really, it's just itchy is all."

"And if you itch it too much, you'll hurt it more." She pointed out, pulling my scratching hand away from the bitten one. "Come on, I think I have some hand cream or something."


Luz found some sort of hand cream and told me to put it on whenever my hand itched. It actually helped a lot. I wonder how it works.

Camila showed me how to use this sewing machine. It's like, a machine that sews things for you. Unsurprisingly.

I made a design for a shirt of these mystical beasts Luz showed me called 'wolves'. She said they work in packs, they're loyal, and they look after eachother. I love them.

Im still working on the shirt part though. It's really hard to get the measurements right and stitch everything together properly. Hopefully this machine will help.

Luz also showed me how to catch a spider without risking it biting me. You put a tub over it, and then slide a piece of paper underneath, trapping it entirely.

I heard someone coming down the stairs and looked up from my sewing. It was Amity. I turned off the sewing machine. "Do you need anything?" I asked her. "Yeah, uh, I just wanted to thank you for keeping your word about the spiderweb cleaning thing. You really didn't have to." She said. "Sure I did. No point in saying it if I wasn't gonna do it." I shrugged. She smiled.

"Oh, also, dinner's ready."


"Alright hexsquad, rest up! Tomorrow's game-plan; start work on a new portal!" Luz said enthusiastically. We said our goodnights and went to our respective rooms.

"Yo Hunter, were you seriously almost poisoned in the emporer's coven?" Gus asked as we entered the basement. "I wouldn't say almost, but yeah. I think it was mostly kikimora getting random scouts to do it." I said.

"Wow. Was it just you?" He asked. "Nah, people tried to poison Belos all the time. Although I did see a scout get poisoned once, and it wasnt deadly poison. Just some harsh prank his friends pulled on him. I think it was mainly because of my status as the Gold Guard that people tried to poison me a bunch." I said, sorting out my floor bed. Gus layed down on the couch and pulled his blanket over himself.

"The closest I've ever gotten to being poisoned was food poisoning, which wasn't the best, but ultimately better than people trying to actually poison me." He said, looking at the ceiling. "You ever been bitten by a creature before this?"

"Yeah. Tons of palismen, a snorse, fairies, the occasional griffin, etc." I listed. "Man, you're really unlucky." He grimaced. I laughed "Hah, yeah."

"Anyway, you heard what Luz said. We should rest. Goodnight Hunter!" He said, turning over.

I pulled my blanket over myself. "Night."

Woooo back to back chapters :3

Don't expect that often btw, I just happened to catch up with my homework.

I had to look up things about black widows for this. It showed me images, and I'm scared of spiders. It was not fun.

I headcanon that Hunter, being a grimwalker, is immune to poison and venom and stuff, just incase you were confused

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

1377 words

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