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This is a continuation of the previous chapter :3

I don't have much to say, so just enjoy! :D

Me and Vee entered the living room to see Luz, Amity, Willow and Gus watching one of those 'movies' Luz had told us about.

"What...is this..?" Amity asked, as if she couldn't decide whether to be disappointed or offended. "This is the worst depiction of witches I've ever seen." Willow admitted. "You can say that again." Gus said.

"What's going on?" Vee asked, trying to make sense of the movie. "Oooooh no. This is hocus pocus, isn't it."

"Ha- yeah." Luz replied, giggling. "I always said witches were'nt like this, and here I stand correct!" Vee shook her head and left the room. I leaned on the back of the couch, trying to figure out what was going on.


"That..was terrible." I said as the credits rolled. "I KNOW RIGHT?" Gus said loudly, turning around to face me. "Aww, come on, it was at least funny right?" Luz said playfully. Amity and willow had left the room a while ago.

"Well alright, maybe a little." Gus admitted. "Anyway, now that that's over, I'm gonna go and read more of that book I found!" Before I could ask which book, he dashed to the basement, clearly eager to read this book.

(A/N yes it's cosmic frontier)

"So how ya doing?" Luz asked. "What?" I asked back. "Y'know. After everything that happened. How are you holding up?" I thought about it. "I've had these...nightmares. Two of them so far. In the first one, I was back in the castle, and Belos...actually, I'd rather not talk about that one. In the second one, I woke up in the castle again, but I said I knew it wasn't real. Then I thought I woke up, but I was still asleep."

Luz listened intently. "Then what happened?" I wasn't sure if I really wanted to tell her, but I continued anyway. "All of you were asleep. And all the clocks were gone. Then, when i checked on you all again, you were..missing. You all just disappeared, even Camila."

"Hmm." Luz hummed thoughtfully. I didn't want her to worry about me, so I changed the topic. "So, how about you? How've you been?"

"Actually, i've been ok. It's good to be home." She said, smiling. "That's good." I said.

"KIDS! Lunch is ready!" Camila called. We turned and made our way to the kitchen.


Camila made these things called 'sandwiches' for lunch. They weren't very sandy. Willow said we actually have sandwiches back in the demon realm, but I'd never heard of them.

"WHAT? You've NEVER had a sandwich before?!" Gus asked, dumbfounded. "No...? Was I supposed to, or-" Gus cut me off. "YES? It's like- the most basic food ever! And one of the few that doesn't require any dangerous ingredients!" I blinked at him. "Oh." I replied blankly.

I wonder why I never had a sandwich in the emporer's coven. If it was easy to make, surely it could be easily mass produced, and would be perfect for feeding mass amounts of scouts? I brushed it off.

Camila said mine was a 'cheese sandwich'. Again, it wasn't very sandy. Regardless, it was nice. I liked it.


Luz got us to play this game called 'Uno'. It was pretty fun whilst we got the hang of it, but it was absolute chaos before we did.

"Okay, so you can only place down a card if it's the same color or number as the one in the middle. Whoever gets rid of all their cards first wins." Luz explained. "Everyone got that?" we all nodded. "Begin!"

Recovering (Hunter Angst) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now