09: Suguru

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"The special grade curse apparition, Orimoto Rika, was fully manifested for four-hundred twenty-two seconds." The higher up complained as Satsuki listened. Y/N beside her cursing under his breath at being brought back to another meeting.

"We entrusted you with the boy for this kind of reason, there's no room for excuses!" Another one spouted causing her to let out a sigh.

"I never planned on making any excuses...heh" she laughed it off nonchalantly angering them more.

"How can you joke about this?! If Orimoto Rika had remained out of control she could have wiped out an entire town!"

"I would have risked my life to stop that." Her gaze lowered. She felt annoyed already at the constant bickering and nagging from these guys already, Y/N noticing this as he chose to spoke up on her behalf.

"You old shitbags need to relax and listen. When it comes to the case of that girl the only conclusion you'll be able to come to is 'I don't know' no one is able to figure out why a little girl who didn't even belong to any line of sorcerers was able to become such an immense curse."

"You can't control something you don't understand, it'll take trial and error after all. So just leave it alone for a while!" Satsuki added grabbing Y/N's hand intertwining it with hers, dragging him along as they began to leave.

"Do Not forget that Okkotsu's execution has only been suspended."

"And don't you geezers forget." She comes to a halt, her head turning to look back at them with a serious glare.

"If and when it comes to that...me and Kazu will be siding with Okkotsu."


"Christ...damn old heads, can you believe them?"

Satsuki complained as she removed her sunglasses, pulling out a bandage as she began to wrap it around her eyes.

"It's the same old shit I'm not even surprised anymore. Stop dragging me to these meetings, one of these days I'll end up beating some sense into them."

"Ugh without you there I wouldn't be any better. I'll have to be careful, I don't wanna turn out like them."

They walked down the stairs together as Y/N let out a chuckle at her comment.

"I don't think I'd let the woman I care about become some nagging power hungry hag."

"Bleh...just say you love me at this point!" She grinned at his cover up causing him to click his tongue in annoyance.

"You just ruined the moment..."

"Blah blah. I'll be sure to smother you with affection tonight for the sign of love. Regardless no one's allowed to take the youth of the young, we'll make sure Okkotsu is fine."

She says as the track field comes into view from where they're at, Yuta running as best as he could meanwhile everyone else left him in the dust.

"That kid seriously needs to get his cardio up."


After further analysis Y/N had come to two conclusions.

One, that Maki was a ruthless sparring partner who gave no sort of sympathy to Yuta

Two, that he is partly to blame for raising her to be a smart ass that likes to kick ass.

"Maki please do make sure Yuta actually learns something instead of beating him senseless." He let out a sigh sitting beside Panda and Toge on near a set of stairs while Satsuki looked amused.

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