02: Star Plasma Vessel

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"I'm sorry, this was my mistake." Geto spoke with shame in his voice as a drop of sweat rolled down his face. Clearly embarrassed at the fact that he let Kuroi get kidnapped so easily.

"Don't sweat it...It was just a slip up even if this does make things more complicated." Y/N said as he sighed scratching his head while Amanai stood beside him.

"Really? I don't even think this counts as a mistake." Gojo remains unbothered at the situation as she tries to reassure him.

"I underestimated how much our enemies would value the life of Kuroi-San."

"They're smart I'll give them that...they'll probably use her as a bargaining chip. Something like trading Amanai for Kuroi so they don't kill her."

Satsuki explains as she looks at the girl while she shifts uncomfortably.

"We won't need to resort to that. I'd rather not set us back to zero so there's no need to stress about the possibility."

He hoped to ease her up a bit so she wouldn't panic, it seemed like he was doing a good job of that so far.

"Yeah you're right. We have leverage considering we have Amanai and they don't. So long they set up the location of the deal, we could work something out."

She stares at Amanai while Y/N was on his phone, seemingly texting back and forth with someone.


You guys screwed up already?


Who's fault was it this time.

Suguru's but my intuition
says Satsuki had some
hand in the downfall
of this mission.

Of course...
when will you guys be back?

Partaking in missions with these
two is like coming home from a long
day at work after the worst day of
my life and my girlfriend broke up with
me and im losing everything and then
the hulk picks up my house and throws it
at a alien robot just for him to miss
and not get the job done.

Didn't ask you to vent but okay...
Goodluck with that kazu-chan!

They should have sent you
instead of me.

"Hmm? Who are you texting Kyo-chan?" Suguru asks as he stands beside him.

"My number one opposition..."

"If you get scared halfway there and want to go home we'll just ignore you. Bear that in mind."

Satsuki says as she stares down Amanai, a scary look on her face.

"The hell did I miss?"


"Mensore!!!" Amanai and Satsuki yelled as they jumped toward the waves of water. Expressions of excitement on their faces as I watched the scene with a deadpan look.

"What was all that seriousness about..."

"See something you like Kazu-chan?" Satsuki showed off her swimsuit with a smug grin on her face, As a response I only put her sunglasses on and sat back on the beach towel.

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