01: Hidden Inventory

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"I get why the curse user group 'Q' are after her...but why would the star religious group want to kill a brat?" Satsuki says taking a sip from her drink as the three of us walked together.

Well by walk I mean that I was the only one doing so normally, as they both walked like delinquents!

"Their entire thing is worshipping a pure version of master Tengen or whatnot..." I say taking a sip myself from the coconut water in my hand, despite my distaste for it I still drink it as it was the only thing I had...

"They also believe that a star plasma vessel would soil that purity...we shouldn't worry about them too much, they're non-Jujutsu sorcerers. Although it's best to be weary of Group Q." Geto adds to my statement.

"Eh, it should be okay...we're the strongest."

The strongest...what the hell did that even mean?

It's so easy for her to say such things like that, but to me titles are meaningless. You'll lose them eventually, so what's the point?

Just in time to take me out of my thoughts a loud explosion emerged from the building, the window of top floor bursting open with clouds of smoke.

"Huh...wouldn't it be our fault if the kids already dead?" Satsuki says with a nonchalant tone

"I zone off for one second and suddenly shits already going off the rails?!"

The girls body drops down as it almost lands onto the air, however just before she could reach the ground Suguru caught her mid air.

"Don't go making a mess now, we just got in trouble this morning."

I could hear him yelling as I look closely at the sky taking in the girls appearance. She couldn't have been any older than thirteen of fourteen.

Huh, so the star plasma vessel is just a brat.

Tengen...you're the worst!

"Phew...guess Suguru made it just in time, how about that kazu-chan? Told you we'd be fine—"

"Hey stop shortening my last name—"

Before I could finished speaking a pile of knives shot toward us, Satsuki's infinity stopping them before they could hit her while I only swipe them away with my blade the moment they reached me.

"Amazing...so you're the famous Satsuki Gojo. I've heard you were strong." The Q soldier spoke as he gazed at her, meanwhile I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

Man I'm here too, the totally bland Y/N Kazuki.

"You know this weirdo Satsuki? Didn't know you had fans."

"I didn't think I did either, I guess I'm more popular than I thought Y/N! You really should praise me."

Not a chance...

"Hey brat, stop chatting and show me if the rumors were true!"

I sigh turning around leaving that to Satsuki, in all honestly this wasn't even my mission to begin with. So slacking off should be fine right?

At least that was the thought process I had going on.

Satsuki would be fine, Suguru would be fine. I'll go get something to eat and take all the credit later—

[𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒] Jujutsu Kaisen x Male ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum