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The ride to the airport was tense to say the least.

Billy and Steve ended up having to drive separate cars because of Max's unexpected guests.

Billy got Max, Jane, Dustin, and Lucas while Steve got Mike, Will, and Erica.

Max wanted to sit in back with Jane but the look Billy flashed as he pointed to the seat next to him told her not to argue.

Dustin and Lucas tried hard not to laugh as they quietly slipped their hands together under the seatbelts.

"Since you decided to invite all your friends without asking and we had to switch flights to accommodate more asses you will be spending the first few days in your hotel room and yes I will be giving up my first few days to make sure your ass stays in there.

You're all very lucky because I got an executive suite so you will each be getting your own room and yes we will be vigilant in making sure you're not having sex because we don't want to deal with pissed-off parents" Billy said and quietly waited for any argument but the little shits knew better.

What Billy didn't say was that he actually bought a beautiful mansion on the California coast that has its own private beach. He knew he couldn't keep spending like that but everyone deserved something nice and quiet they could retreat to if needed.

The layout was perfect, it had a half-circular layout with nine rooms surrounding the common area on the second floor. The bottom floor held a huge gathering area, kitchen, and dining hall.

When they got to the airport Steve had already gotten his surprise together. He had chartered a private plane for them to fly there and back in. He had also somehow gotten a full refund on the already-booked flight.

Once they got all the kids seated Billy and Steve went and grabbed two seats near the back so they could watch everyone so Nancy and Robin could enjoy their trip.

Billy leaned over, placed his hand on Steve's face, turned him towards him, and gave him a deep but loving kiss.

Steve leaned in and neither of them even noticed the plane taking off.

They only knew they were in the air when they heard seven voices going off at once about how amazing it was being up this high.

"Billy everything is so small," Max said excitedly looking out her window.

Reluctantly the two pulled apart and Billy went over and ruffled Max's hair and said "I'm glad you're having fun kiddo".

The rest of the flight was as exciting as the beginning. For most of them that was their first flight and to see their excited faces made both Steve and Billy happy.

Then came the fasten seatbelts sign and interrupted that fun but the intrigue of the next part of the adventure kept the excitement going.

When the plane had landed and they got their stuff from baggage claim they went to find a place to rent three cars for the duration of their stay.

It was like the guy at the rental agency could smell that they had money because he kept offering them the most expensive and luxurious cars.

In the end, though, they were offered a small bus-like vehicle that had room for eleven for free from a friend of Joyce Byers at the shop next door.

They left the airport and the sales guy who looked like his whole world just crashed around him behind.

Steve was in the passenger seat while Billy drove because he knew exactly where he was headed.

As they passed by the tall trees and ocean there were a lot of oohs and ahhs from the back.

It didn't measure the silence that befell the others as they pulled up to the mansion-sized home in a quiet area. They could even see the stairs down to the private beach.

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