Don't Move

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The beeping machines were the first thing Billy heard. His body was on fire and everything seemed to hurt.

Forcing his eyes open and squinting at the light the first thing he saw clearly was the journal sitting on a table next to him.

Reaching over he picked up the book glad to know that his right arm still worked at least.

Opening it up with the same hand he flipped to the back and there had been updates since he last opened it.

"Dear B,

It's day three and there has been no change in your condition.

I have been splitting my time between making sure M gets to school and her homework done and sitting next to your bed.

When I'm not with M she is with either Mrs. H or Ms. B or Mr. H.

The doctors have said that the bullet went through your chest cavity and your right lung before exiting and that you hit your head when you hit the ground.

I told them that you're tough as nails and would come back even stronger.

Well that's it for now"

Love you

Billy couldn't help but smile at the genius Steve had come up with to write in the journals.

Then he wondered how long he had been out.

The last message was on day seven.

"Dear B,

It's day seven. You're finally breathing on your own which allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief.

Sorry I haven't been there as much as I should be but things have been insane and they keep getting more crazy.

Well, my love I hope you wake up soon and if I'm not there when you do please write in the journal so I know I have to get my ass to the hospital.


Billy groaned. Looking back at the table he found the journal he saw a pencil.

Never more grateful for a long wingspan he reached over once again with his right arm and got the pencil.

Propping the journal on his left arm he wrote:

Dear S

I'm awake and in some serious pain.

I read through your other messages and was wondering how long it's been.

Get your hot little ass here soon


Feeling exhausted just from that small task Billy closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep as the words

"I will be there ASAP" appeared.

Steve's POV (about the time Billy woke up)

Steve listened as the family lawyer read through a list of charges his parents were facing.

He kept glancing at the open journal on his lap.

His parents were never home and they kicked him out when he turned eighteen with only his car and enough for one month's rent.

They had dug their own graves but their idea of being parents was to drag their only son into their crap.

Something caught his eye and he noticed words appearing in the journal and jumping up he said "We will continue this shit show later, my soulmate just woke up and he's much more important" and dashed out the door.

Jumping into his BMW 733I he put the gas pedal to the floor and going as fast as he could as safely as possible he headed for Hawkins Hospital. He would let Max and the others know about it later but for now, Billy was the only thing on his mind.

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