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Star court Mall, the next morning:

Steve walked into the employee's area of Scoops Ahoy and nearly shit himself when Robin yelled "It's a girl Steve, it's a fucking girl" and danced around the room.

Shaking off the initial scare Steve found a chair and sat down and looked directly at Robin who had finally taken a seat across from him.

"You're pregnant Rob?" Steve asked half elated and half confused.

"Eww no way dingus, my soulmate is a girl. A real-life girl" Robin said and stopped immediately when she remembered Steve's soulmate never wrote back.

"I'm so sorry Stevie, I am being rude" Robin said, placing her hand on Steve's.

"It's ok Rob, I'm happy for you and surprisingly last night they wrote and we talked for hours about basic things. They seemed really intense at times but sweet as well" Steve said, looking off into space.

Robin giggled and said "Oh my god Stevie your head over heels for this person. You have to find out more" and got up and wrapped him in a big hug.

"Ok Rob we have to get ready to open so switch from lovers lane to ice cream lane and get to work," Steve said with a blush that went all the way above his eyes and highlighted the tear-shaped scar right above his right eye.

Robin groaned but got up and the two of them got things ready to feed people ice cream.

Later that day

After their shift, Steve returned to the two-bedroom apartment he shared with Robin, who he was glad was having a girl's night with Nancy. He needed quiet time and Rob wasn't the quiet time kind of person.

He went to his room and changed out of the shorts and sailor top uniform and into a pair of baggy sweats. It was still warm so he decided to leave his shirt off.

He then face-planted himself onto his pillows and pulled the journal out from under it.

As he opened the journal to a blank page the words "Have a great day" appeared.

"I hope you had a good day. Mine was spent doing menial labor. Catering to a bunch of people who don't really pay me mind. They just put their money down, demand their stuff and leave once they have it. I bet you have an exciting job" Steve wrote and curled up with the journal open and awaited a reply.

He didn't have to wait long until he got a reply. "I actually have been doing the same. It's not what I want to be doing but hell it pays the rent.

I don't know about you but let's screw the rules my name is *redacted*". Steve could almost hear the cursing from the other end of the journal.

Taking a breath Steve wrote "how about we start with easy stuff? Like I am a 18 year old male living in a two-bedroom apartment".

He waited but no answer. Steve started to panic. Then the words appeared "I am also an 18-year-old male living in a two-bedroom apartment".

Steve didn't know why but that answer made him even more nervous and excited at the same time.

Billy's P.O.V

Billy read those words twenty times before he actually took a deep breath.

It was a man. His soulmate was another guy.

He could just hear Neil's mocking voice inside his head telling him that he wasn't a man and he would fail Max in the end, just like fails everyone in life.

That's when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Max standing there.

"Well, are you going to answer him or not? I know why you're hesitating and it's fucked up. Billy, my soulmate is another girl and you know what I would love to stick it in that asshole's face. You're free Billy, find your soulmate". Max said not moving from the spot she had planted herself.

"You're right Maxie I'm going to take the leap," he said rustling her hair which was a lot healthier now that he was taking care of it.

She groaned at the nickname he had given her many years back and went back to her own journal on the couch.

Taking a deep breath Billy wrote the words "I am an 18-year-old male also living in a two-bedroom apartment" and waited for a response.

"Well, I see we have a lot in common. Our jobs and our living environment.

I'm so excited to learn your name or where you are so let's figure out how to break the rules on this thing. We know we can't come right out and say anything so let's find a fun way to figure things out without actually saying them" was the reply he got and smirked.

Billy loved solving puzzles so this could turn out to be fun and a map to his forever.

He picked up his pencil and Wrote "Let's do this".

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