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Billy woke up the next morning stiff but happier than he had been in a long time.

He turned over and saw Steve was still sleeping soundly and smiled as he kissed him softly on the cheek.

Steve smiled in his sleep but didn't wake up making Billy laugh and of course that's when someone knocked on the door.

Billy got up and pulled on his jeans and went and answered the door biting his lip as he tried not to scream out in pain.

Opening the door his heart went down into his stomach when he saw the cops standing at the door.

"William Hargrove?" the female cop asked.

"That's Me. How did you know I was here?" Billy asked with more acid than he meant to.

The female officer moved her hand down to her gun belt and said "No need to get hostile Mr. Hargrove Sheriff Hopper told us you were recovering here".

Billy was about to say something when he felt a hand on his shoulder and a soothing voice saying "just relax Billy, let's hear what they have to say. Hopper trusts them enough to let them know where you are so we should as well. I will be here the whole time". 

Taking a deep breath Billy moved out of the way and motioned for the two cops to come in.

Steve slid his hand into Billy's hand and guided him to the kitchen table as he invited the two cops to sit down.

Billy and Steve sat opposite of the cops and waited for them to explain what was going on.

"Mr. Hargrove we wanted to let you know your father has been arrested and is heading to a state prison up near Indianapolis.

He was brought in on multiple charges including but not limited to child abuse, attempted murder, attacking a police officer and more" the female officer said.

Billy's eyes widened. "He attacked an officer?" Billy asked shocked that Neil would be that stupid.

The female cop nodded and said "yes sir. I was the arresting officer. He not only threw around racial and gender-based insults he also tried to steal my gun, he also tried to talk my fellow white male officers into helping him out and then he threw a punch hitting me in the jaw along with making threats towards you and Max's safety and all after having his rights read to him".

"I hope he spends forever in prison," Billy said as his fists tightened on the table.

The cop looked at him sadly and said "That would be the outcome we would all want but a judge that must be friends with Neil not only determined that he wasn't in a state to face a jury has already made a ruling that put him in a jail that's more of a resort and he is only facing two years if that.

The only thing he did that was decent was take all your father's holdings away from him and I was asked to bring you the title to your father's company and his assets. I think the judge picked me as a sick joke since I pressed charges against him" the female officer said, sliding an envelope across the table.

"Thank you, ma'am," Billy said, ignoring the envelope sitting in front of him.

The cops excused themselves and while Steve walked them to the door Billy stared at the envelope in front of him with so many feelings running through his brain. 

Steve went back to his position next to Billy and said "Let's get dressed and pick up Max and the three of us will go out for breakfast. Plus, I want to swing by Nancys and see if Robin is coming back".

Billy nodded and went through the motions of getting dressed and after Steve helped him down the stairs he got into Steve's BMW and out of nowhere broke down.

The pain in Steve's chest was all he needed to know his soulmate was in more than physical pain.

"Billy talk to me," Steve said, placing his hand on Billy's thigh.

Billy closed his eyes and said "What should I do now? I mean with the money I would get from selling the business would put me and Max on easy street but I also don't like the idea of taking anything his dirty hands touched".

Steve's chest hurt more and this time it was his pain. He hadn't realized he didn't want his stuff and Billy's stuff he wanted it to be theirs.

He looked over and Billy was staring at him. "Spill it Harrington what's wrong my chest is on fire," Billy said with a look of worry.

"I'm tired of mine and yours. We are fucking soulmates Billy. Let's fucking sell both of our parent's companies and live in the house that I got and put the rest away for Max's college and trust fund and possible future kids.

We both had parents that ruined our childhood but they're going to be funding our future together.

This is our chance to show the world we are not our parents" Steve said, the tears flowing freely.

The softness against his lips brought him comfort and the words uttered when that softness moved away brought him peace.

"Our future looks grand" Billy said against Steve's lips before he pressed them back together.

After a few minutes Steve finally dislodged and said "we should start our day".

Billy grinned and said "we could go back upstairs". Steve almost thought about it but decided that they needed to be adults and starting up the BMW headed out on their first outing as a team.

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