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For the next month, Puzzle after puzzle Billy and Steve got closer to figuring out who their soulmate was.

First, they played "what's your state flag look like?" Then it was breaking down and decoding fun little coded messages.

They would alternate between numbers meaning letters and using different alphabets at the same time to make one message. At one point they had the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian alphabet in one message.

It was the most excitement either of them had experienced in a while.

One Month Later

Billy's POV

Billy had just decoded one of his mystery man's messages bringing his knowledge to some simple facts:

he was born in Indianapolis from the description of the flag
he was bullied in school by an asshole
his eyes and hair matched
His name started with a St but that's as far as he had gotten with that.

Billy put the journal down. Both him and his soulmate had work in the morning so they called it an early night.

"Hey Max come here for a minute" Billy called suddenly sitting up in bed.

Max came in and looked at him with half a slice of pizza sticking out of her mouth and mumbled "Yeah".

Billy took a deep breath and said " I think I know who my soulmate is but I don't know what the hell to do with that thought".

Max inhaled the last of the slice and sat at the end of Billy's bed and said "Who do you think it is"?

"Steve Harrington," Billy said with certainty. "It makes sense. I was an ass to him when we moved here, he has those damn brown doe eyes and perfectly kept brown hair. He was also born here in Indianapolis".

Max was quiet and then began laughing. "Oh my god it does make perfect sense. This is going to be a fun soap opera to watch" Max said between laughing fits.

Billy threw a pillow at her and she ran out of the room.

Flopping over he screamed into his pillow.

"If I'm right this is going to end as a tragedy" Billy muttered and let himself cry.

Steve's POV:

Steve put down the journal and sighed.

He knew four major facts:

His soulmate was from California because of the flag he described.
His soulmate was into metal and rock music.
He has a dark past.
He doesn't have many friends.

But that was it.

Hearing Robin come in Steve grabbed his journal and met her in the kitchen and showed her what he had learned.

Sitting down, Robin read through Steve's notes quietly and the smile on her face got bigger and bigger.

"Eddie Munson," Robin said as she closed the journal.

Steve just stared.

"Think about it, Stevie. I mean the dark past, we don't know where Eddie moved from to be with his uncle and the music. It all adds up" Robin said, jumping up from the table and shoving Steve towards his phone.

"Call Munson and ask him to have coffee with you dingus. Then you can see how it all goes" Robin said as she blocked Steve from running away.

Sighing, Steve picked up the phone and dialed Eddie's number which he had gotten from Dustin who wanted him to have it in case of emergencies.

"This is Eddie" came the voice on the other end.

Steve was silent for a second and finally said "Hey it's Steve, you up to getting some coffee tomorrow I need to talk to you about something important".

"King Steve wants to talk to a lonely peasant, this will be fun. Would 5:00 pm be ok for his majesty?" Eddie said with a chuckle.

"That's fine. That gives me an hour to come home and change after work" Steve said and the two decided on a small shop near the grocery store and he hung up.

Not knowing what to feel, Steve absent-mindedly walked past Robin and into the living room where he decided to lie face down on the couch.

"This is going to be a tragedy," he said and fell asleep right where he was laying.

Binding The SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora