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Swinging by the Byer's house they picked up Max and headed over to Nancy's place.

Billy and Max waited in the car as Steve headed to get Robin. As he got close the door swung open and Robin leaped into his arms.

"I've missed you too Robin. How would you like to join Max, Billy and I for breakfast? Nancy is more than welcome to join us as well" Steve said, setting Robin back down on her feet.

"What do you say, Nance?" Robin asked, planting a kiss on Nancy's forehead.

Nancy nodded, grabbed her purse, and followed Robin and Steve back to the BMW.

Nancy and Robin sat on either side of Max who had been gently pushed to the middle seat.

Steve got in and they headed to Bennys. Benny was a great friend and chef and his breakfasts were to die for.

They parked near the entrance and headed in.

Benny waved at the group from the back as they all filed into a booth.

"What can I get for you?" Benny asked, coming out of the kitchen.

Everyone ordered a basic breakfast with a couple of pancakes and a side of bacon and an egg with coffee meanwhile Max ordered a double breakfast with toast and soda.

"You sure you eat all of that young lady," Benny asked smiling.

Max nodded and Billy said "That's probably just her first course" causing everyone to laugh and Benny headed back to get their order.

About thirty minutes later Benny brought out the food and everyone started eating.

Nancy noticed Steve and Billy poking at their food and said "Spill it boys you're bringing the mood down".

The two looked at each other as if to play a mental game of rock paper scissors which it seemed Billy had lost.

"Well, Pretty Boy owns his parent's house and company and so do I and we wanted to run some things between everyone before making huge decisions.

Our plan is to sell off the evil companies and put money away for a trust fund for Max.

Also, we would love it if you and Robin moved into the second house behind the main house Steve got and all of us decorate it the way we want.

Max since Neil is your stepdad I wanted your opinion on the company and everything with Susan" Billy said looking directly at Max who had just stuffed a third pancake into her mouth.

She quickly chewed and swallowed followed by a drink of soda and then finally apparently fulfilled said "sell the company but can my mom keep the house and maybe have monthly help".

"Of course Max. She will also have company since my parents will be moving next door and the empty houses around both houses will be for low-income families and single minorities and LGBT youth seeking a safe place" Steve explained as he took a small drink of his coffee.

Max nodded and went back to devouring her breakfast.

"So ladies, what do you say? Will you grace us with your presence," Bill said, flashing his golden smile.

Robin and Nancy looked at each other and without a word Robin asked "When do we move in?".

"We can start this afternoon," Billy said and they all went back to their breakfast.

Benny came by and they paid their bill after complimenting his cooking a hundred times and leaving a two hundred dollar tip to help Benny out.

"Don't even think this is normal Max. This was for a friend and you can have extra but you're not getting spoiled" Billy said as Max stuck her tongue out at him.

As they took the girls back to Nancy they all agreed to meet back at Steve's apartment around two and they would start getting things moved out.

After dropping Nancy and Robin off Steve took Billy and Max back to their apartment.

"I'm staying," Steve said, not ready to let Billy out of his sight.

Before Billy could argue Steve took his arm and started helping him up the stairs to start packing and canceling the lease.

As they packed up the few things they had Billy got emotional and had to sit down.

"This was the first thing I was able to do for Max. The first thing I was able to do for myself. I know it's just a room but for me it is a symbol of freedom I never had felt before. I'm sure you get what I'm saying don't you Steve" Billy said as he choked back the tears.

"I do Billy and no matter what Max will always remember everything you did for her. You will always remember what you did for yourself but baby if you never move forward you are putting yourself in your own form of prison.

It's scary for me too but together you and I can do anything so let's help each other say goodbye to our separate lives and say hello to our life as one" Steve said holding Billy tight.

"Hey Billy, I went ahead and boxed up your room since I know you're still hurting. Now stop your sniffling and allow Steve to help me take the boxes down to the car" Max said, rolling her eyes with a smile that reached both ears.

Laughing Steve got up and him and Max took care of all the boxes even though Billy swore he was just fine.

Once everything was in the cars Billy asked Steve for a minute alone with Max which Steve hesitantly granted but let them both know he would be right outside.

When Steve had stepped outside Billy took a breath and said "No matter what munchkin you will always come first you hear me. If you ever feel scared or anything you tell me ok. I love you Max" and pulled her in for a tight hug.

They stayed that way for a few minutes until Steve reminded them they were on the clock.

After he got glomped by both Max and Billy he helped Billy down the stairs and to the front office.

"I owe you so much Bob. Here is the key plus all the back rent I owe you. I will never be able to repay you completely but that's a stsrt" Billy said to the older man who came around and gave him a huge hug.

"You and Max will always have a home here. Take care of each other is all I ask" Bob said wiping tears from his eyes while Billy wiped tears from his own.

Max got into Steve's BMW while Steve helped Billy into his Camaro.

"You sure your ok to drive" Steve asked a millionth time. Billy pulled Steve into a kiss and said "My baby won't let anything happen to me. I will be right behind you".

Steve laughed and with one more look at the place Billy pulled out and waited for Steve to pull out and with him following right behind they headed toward the next emotional experience.

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