My eye caught my reflection in the mirror. I looked the same-long black hair in slight waves, incredibly pale skin not even hours in the sun could tan, upturned, innocent eyes, and delicate features, but now I was an official adult. I had kind of expected something; a bra size inflation, a face that didn't look like a young teenager's--anything. Anything to prove that I was in fact 18 and a high school graduate. But of course, I looked the same. I still looked 15, even though things were changing. I still looked like Scarlet Choi; valedictorian, teacher's pet, unpopular, and most of all now, foreign.

Needless to say, I stood out in Korea, with my height, heavy accent, and American attitude. I looked Asian, true, but I didn't look native. Unfortunately, being in Korea for three hours didn't change that. Not that I had actually expected it to. It was like doing five crunches and checking for abs... which I sometimes did.

I sighed and fell backwards onto my bed. It creaked under my weight, and I groaned. Would I be considered overweight here? This was East Asia, after all. With a loud sigh, I yanked my pillow over my face and tried not to think about how I might've ruined my life.

Well, Scarlet, I thought listlessly, closing my eyes and not caring whether I was suffocated or not, welcome to Korea.



I blinked open my eyes and stretched in my bed, making a raptor-like noise that would've spiked the curiosity of many zoologists if taken out of context as I stretched my back.

Gah, that felt good.

I sat up and looked at the clock. After training my eyes on the screen for a few moments, it processed in my head that it was two in the afternoon. Two in the afternoon?! I absolutely despised getting up late--I'd already wasted half of the day. Using the pillow as a muffler, I screamed quietly, letting my voice go full-on screamo. Oli Sykes, eat your heart out.

Nevertheless, I cleaned up and got dressed in a sky blue tee, dark wash skinny jeans, and black hi-top Converse. My messy raven hair was tied up into a high ponytail, and I felt like I had no reason to wear makeup, so I left my face bare.

When I got to the kitchen, my mom and grandmother were already eating a sort of noodle that I didn't know. It irked me that I was the last one to get up, but my mother liked to beat jet lag as quickly as possible, and she had probably set an alarm for the early morning, so it wasn't all my fault.

"Good morning, Seoyeon!" said my grandmother. My mother echoed her and gestured for me to sit down. I dragged a chair from the table, the legs screeching against the floor, and planted myself in it.

"Good morning." A bowl of noodles was placed in front of me, and I began to eat. It tasted like soy sauce. A lot of soy sauce, which meant it was probably soy sauce noodles. It tasted like my early childhood, when my grandparents came to help raise me. My grandmother most likely made it, since she was one to overdo on flavors, so of course, it reminded me of the times I'd spent with her. I ate quickly to avoid being the last one at the table, which was another thing that bothered me, shoveling dark noodles into my mouth as soy sauce splattered everywhere, which was quite classy of me.

"So, I'm taking your grandmother to the hospital today," announced my mom. "You can explore the neighborhood and get accustomed to this place, okay? Spare keys are on the counter."

"That sounds good," I replied between mouthfuls of noodles. When I finished, I put the bowl in the sink. "When are you leaving?"

"Her appointment's in an hour, so we're leaving now," replied Mom. "Let's go, eomma."

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