20. Dreadhead Huey

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Huey Freeman
The Dubois Residence📍
Later.. October 7th

"Jazmine theres fucking shampoo in my eye!"I yelled. She was giggling and massaging my scalp, "Close your eyes idiot."she instructed. She had me leaned over her bathtub so she could wash my hair and I'm never letting her do this shit to me again. When she got done she turned the water off and wiped my eyes gently but kept my hair wet. She guided me back into her room and sat me at her vanity. Her music was on and she had her blowdryer plugged up waiting for use.  She convinced me to get twists and honestly I don't know why I agreed.

"Okay so you know you'll have to keep these in for a while."she warned. I nodded and she smiled and started to detangle my hair. Riley complained that Jaz was hard on him but I thought he was just tender headed. Maybe I am too. "Can we Atleast turn something I like on the tv?"I asked. She scoffed and shoved the remote into my hand. "Get beat up Jazmine."I scowled. After she parted my hair into four sections she started on the bottom right.

She gently went through and parted then blow dried and repeated the process until it was done. She made me close my eyes for the last front two sections. "Okay ready?"She giggled. My heart was racing and I already knew I was gonna take these shits down immediately. "Open."she instructed. I opened my eyes and I didn't look as bad as I thought. I actually really liked it. "Now we should add those glasses you got."she suggested. I scowled, grandad took us to go get our eyes checked about a year ago and Riley and I both needed glasses. But my dumbass chose these ugly ass vintage glasses.

"Those are ugly."I said. She rolled her eyes and grabbed them out of my backpack, I only wear them when I read. She sat in my lap facing towards me and rearranged some of the twists, then placed my glasses on my face. She looked at me then smirked while biting her lip. "You look real fine Freeman."she complimented. I kissed her cheek as a thank you and she got up. "Okay lets cuddle, its day seven of our Halloween movie night."she announced. Before i laid down she made me put on a bonnet because apparently all the gel and stuff she put in my hair could give her bad acne.

"Jazmine I look gay."I scowled. She giggled, then erupted in laughter, "I still love my gay man regardless."she squealed. I scowled and not long into the movie she fell asleep on me. My phone kept buzzing and it was my annoying ass siblings.

Riley : Yall done fucking yet Hue? Me nd Asia bored.

Asia : The first part was not needed.

Me : Right

Riley : Idgaf what yall think we need to go do sumn

Asia : Movies?

Me : Ian paying

Riley : TF? WHY NOT?

Me : I just took Jaz to the mall earlier today.

Asia : U really in love

Me : Indeed.

Riley : Okay I got a idea, come get in the car hoes.

Asia : We better not be doing something illegal Riley.

Riley : Shut the hell up and come on.

I peeked out of Jazmine's curtain and although it was dark I could see Riley starting up his car. Jazmine mumbled something and scooted back into me, "Why are you moving?"she whined. "Uh Riley and Asia want to hangout, but I can stay here if you want."I offered. She stayed quiet like she was processing what I had said, "Okay I love you."she murmured. I got up and gave her a kiss, "I love you too, text me when you wake up." She didn't respond so I knew she was back out. I took the bonnet off and laid it on her vanity. When I got in the car Riley glanced at me then turned around, "Ah shit that look fye Hue!"he complimented. "Thanks."I said. He turned back around and started playing his music.

The drive was silent and I was slightly concerned about the amount of Rod Wave Riley listens to. Like seriously why is this man always sad. He pulled into this abandoned looking parking garage and we got out. "Boom, private sanctuary."he said. Asia got out first and looked down, he drove us up to Atleast the third level. "Okay I guess."she said. She sat down on the floor and took out this notepad and started drawing. I took the beanie Asia was wearing and put it on my own head, "Bitch excuse you."she scowled.

"It looks better on me anyways."


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Liked by Lil.Jaz and 4,837 others
Hueyyy2.0 - Very rare.
(Pinned) Lil.Jaz - My man my man my mfkn mannnn 😍

Heyyy 1/2 of a upload. Ik it's short but I'm working on it. Also Yall expect the Euphoria story update around Halloween. Cs I been working on that thang for A WHOLE YEAR NOW 🤣🤣. How's school?

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