10. Ups and Downs?

183 5 16

Micheal Caesar
The Caesar's 📍

I haven't heard from any of my friends in two weeks, although it's gotten me closer to Skye and Niyah. The only thing that bothered me the most was not being able to talk to Hue, he's damn near my brother and I consult him in every irrelevant choice I make. Now he's just gone MIA. Jazmine hasn't seen or heard from him either, she's been busy with her sister but claims he doesn't answer his phone.

But then again I haven't heard from her either, not even Cindy. She deactivated her ig and our snap streak was lost like three days ago. Ming and Hiro went to Beijing, she wanted him to meet his Grandfather. They text me whenever they remember to which I appreciate, but I really wish everyone was here so I could share this news with them.

On the bright side, I guess you could consider me and Niyah to be in the talking stage. Her and Skye were asleep, Skye was in between the two of us and had her face buried in my shirt. It was like eight in the morning and I was surprised she slept through the night. Usually she refuses. I heard the front door open and close, my stomach immediately dropped. Niyah looked at me with the same face and I got up.

"Micheal baby who's here with you?"My mom called. I opened my room door and closed it behind me to go up to the front. When I saw her she had groceries and was holding one of Skye's toys. "Whose here?"she repeated. I took a deep breath and rubbed my face, "Mama can you sit down."I sighed. She frowned and hesitantly sat down, "Is everything okay?"she asked. I sat down next to her and carefully explained the situation.

She remained calm the entire time but I can tell she's disappointed. "So are you both working?"she asked. I nodded, "Yes ma'am. I put in extra shifts and I was able to buy her a few outfits,"I said. She smiled at my eagerness to help out, "Janiyah come here baby!"she called. My room door opened and Niyah walked down the hall holding her stomach. "I'm so sorry, please don't get mad at Caesar."She ranted.

"Oh no sweetheart I'm not mad at you two. I mean I kind of expected a pregnancy but no so soon. He told me you two have been working and supporting little Skye and I'm proud of that, I just don't want y'all to feel alone. I'll help as well and next time don't try to hide something like this."she explained. I don't think I've ever seen my mom so calm, usually she'd be screaming at us in Patois. Guess her new boyfriend is alright.

"So have you told Morgan?"Mom asked, hinting towards Niyah's mom. Niyah nodded, "Yes ma'am she told us we needed to come clean to you as well." My mom lightly chuckled, "She's awake."she whispered. We looked to the hallway and my room door creaked open. Skye stumbled out into the hallway dragging a teddy bear behind her. I looked at Niyah and she seemed shocked herself, "I didn't close the door all the way."she said lowly.

I held my hands out and she ran in them. It was kind of weird, I'll admit, having a living and breathing thing besides Cora depend on me. "Has she met Cora?"Mom asked. I laughed and nodded, "Cora! Yow cum yah!"I called. Cora came from my mom's room and sat down waiting for another command. "No way you taught the dog Patwah,"Niyah giggled.

"Mom did not me."I shrugged.

Woodcrest Mall 📍

"Caesar she is not wearing that, put it back."Niyah scowled. I held up a Kendrick Lamar shirt that matched mine, and it was the last one in Skye's size. "Oh come on it's not that bad."I scoffed. She turned around and read the shirt, "Fuck the world, get bitches. Very classy."she read. I rolled my eyes and put it back on the rack, "The kids at the daycare wouldn't even know what it says."I mumbled. She turned around and gave me a look, then tugged Skye along towards a Nike store.

I remember grabbing like four pairs of Jordan's for her and a pair of slides. "Dad!"Skye yelled. I looked at her and she was smiling at me. I looked at Niyah and her mouth was wide open, "There's no fucking way."she whispered. I've been trying to get her to call me dad, pops or something and she finally did it.

"You've known me longer than this man and he gets a name before mommy?"Niyah exclaimed. I laughed and Skye just looked at her and started clapping her hands together. "No not good."she smirked. "Hi do you guys need any help?" A worker asked. I shook my head, "Alright, let me know if there's anything you need. And she's really adorable."she complimented.

"Thank you."we said in unison.

A week later

July 2nd

Woodcrest totcare 📍

"Skye's conduct was great as usual, she actually colored today and made a friend."Marissa, the daycare lady said. "Nice, I wanted to ask about the diapers you guys use. I think her skin is sensitive to them."I explained. She showed me the box and I nodded, "Yeah can I just bring a box that you can use for her?"I asked. "Yes that's perfectly fine, you can bring them in tomorrow morning."she smiled.

"Thank you so much."I said before leaving. Skye held my hand and we walked out to my car together. After I buckled her in she handed me her coloring sheet. "This is amazing."I smiled. I shut the car door and walked back to the drivers side, my phone rung and it was Niyah. "Hey if it's okay I picked up an extra shift for Skye's doctors appointment next week."she said. "Yeah that's fine, I sent you 400 today to cover for the daycare expenses."I announced.

"Baby its 200."she laughed. I smiled, "I know but she needs more clothes and stuff, plus her birthday is coming up." As our conversation carried on I decided to drive by the Freeman's. "Let me call you back Ni."I said. She said okay and hung up. Huey's car wasn't in the driveway but Riley's and their Grandad's was. "I'll be back mama."I said before getting out. The walk to the front door I didn't know wether or not I wanted to be angry or happy to see them.

"Hey Grandad, is Hue here?"I asked.

He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, "The boys haven't been home in three weeks."

Lord see y'all Sunday

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Lord see y'all Sunday.

Caesar x Niyah?

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