The World is Finally Ending

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Me and Five were leaning on the second-floor area of the hotel, watching out the window as the world went to shit. I leaned on his shoulder, rubbing his jawline to show him some love because he was stressed.

"So, how is it that we're still here, but the whole of the universe is going down the cosmic shitter?" Allison broke the silence by saying. 

"Maybe we're the last to get flushed." Viktor suggested.

"Wasn't talking to you." Allison snapped at Viktor. 

"Hey, has anyone seen Klaus?" Luther looked around confused. 

"Or Dad?" Sloane added.

"Maybe Dad died in the shit hole that we called home." I mumbled to Five, who then grabbed my hand for comfort.

"They'll be here." Diego assured. 

"Really? Did they... hit traffic? Look, people, we're alive because we're special, right? We're the only ones who can save the universe." Ben tried to give the other a pep-talk in the background. 

"Uh, question." Allison raised her hand. 


"Didn't we just try that and fail miserably?" She asked with a tone.

"Yeah, it's because his plan was stupid." Diego commented.

"Mm." Me and Allison quickly hummed at the same time. 

"I got a better one." Diego started walking.

"'Course you do." Ben scoffed.

"We go with the large hard-on particle accelerator." He starts.

"Hard-on?" I chuckle, hugging Five's waist before he kissed me on the head. 

"You guys do some science, and..." He pauses once more, pulling his hands into a golf club-like position. "...we launch the Kugelblitz into outer space. Didn't think I knew that, did ya? It's in Switzerland." He swung his head, clearly proud of himself. 

"It's "hadron," not "hard-on," ya moron!" Ben almost shouted in a snarky tone. 

"Oi! At least he's trying, you shitty little squid. What have you contributed?" Lila joined in, defending Diego. 

"Actually, he did blow up half his family." Diego added, clearly feeling cool. 

"Oh, you wanna talk about family problems? You know what should have blown up is your face on that neck!" Ben hissed out his weird insult. Me and Five shook our heads, trying not to butt in. 

"I wish I had a cake to hit you with it in your face!" Diego shouted back angrily which caused the two started arguing in their native languages.

"Hey," I whisper to Five, gaining his attention. 

"Hm?" He turned his head to look at me. 

"I love you. I wish we had more time together.." I look into his eyes with my own teary eyes.

"I love you too, Devon." He grabbed my face and kissed me. I grabbed is hand again so that we could go back to thinking. A few tears rolled down my face as I quietly sniffled. Five looked at me again and wiped them before kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey! You guys done?" Five shouted at the two, walking away from me to not draw attention to my crying. "The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better. But the fact remains that we are too late." He discreetly looked back at me to check on me. I quickly clean myself up and walk over to where Five was standing. 

"Five, come on. 

"It's over, Luther. We failed." He grabbed my hand, looking down.

"Come on. It can't be over over." Viktor sat up.

"Yeah, come on, Five. We gotta figure this out, man." Diego worriedly added.

"Okay. How about we take a step back? Look at the big picture here. Most of us have spent the last 28 days trying to stop the world from ending. What exactly have we accomplished?" He raised his eyebrows sassily. 

"Well, we made some friends along the way." Luther smiled lightly.

"Incorrect! You know what we've done? Nothing. We made things worse every single time." He grit his teeth.

"Amen to that." Allison pursed her lips. 

"Look, when I went to the Commission, I had a conversation with my 100-year-old self. And my last words were, 'Don't save the world.'" Five squeezed my hand. 

"'Don't save the world'?" Viktor repeated as if he was confused. 

"'Don't save the world.'" Repeat once more, tears slowly prickling his eyes.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Diego chimed in again.

"Is it? Well, whatever we're doing's not working. All we ever do is save the world for a day, pat ourselves on the back, and then everything goes to shit again." Luther finally saw what we were seeing.

"Yeah, maybe we're the problem." Viktor shrugged.

"Oh, yeah. Us." Allison scoffed.

"So, wait. Your big plan is no plan?" Lila asked.

"Exactly. Conscientious objection. Why the hell not? We've tried everything else. Look, maybe this is just what the universe needs. I say, embrace the apocalypse. See what's on the other side." Five switched his grips from my hand to my waist, pulling me closer.

"What if it's... nothing?" Sloane, who was cuddled into Luther asked in a scared tone.

"Then it's been nice knowing you all. Whatever's on your bucket list, I recommend you do that now." He looked at me with a look suggesting a few things. We sat down and had a moment of silence.

"Well, on that... super happy note, we've, um... Oh, what the hell. Okay. We've, uh, got a little announcement to make." Luther started for them as they stood up. 

"We're engaged!" They happily announced.

"Kill me, Jesus." Ben whispers.

"Idiots." Five sighed.

"We got married." I scoffed at him. 

"Now?" Allison asked, wide eyed. 

"Yeah. Look, we realize the timing is less than ideal. But, obviously, it's now or never. Am I right, Five? Devon?" Sloane tried to convince everyone. 

"Don't drag us into this, please." Five groaned.

"Wait, you guys got married!?" Diego exclaimed.

"Jesus.." I sighed in a very annoyed state. I leaned over to lay on Five's lap to wrap my head around all of this. 

"What... Whatever time we have left, we wanna spend it with all of you. So we're super pumped if you would join us in the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m. for a celebration of our love, and the official union of what's left of our two great families. Dress code is creative black-tie." Sloane informed the group.

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