The Fight

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We were back in the Sparrow Academy, and my siblings greeted me and were happy to see me okay. I hugged them and told them that I'd heard about Jayme and Alphonso. I was so happy to see Fei and Ben again, but it wasn't the same without Jayme in our little quartet.

"Where the hell is Viktor and Klaus?" Diego loudly asks.

"With our luck, probably Kugelblitzed by now." Five sighed before I hit him in the arm.

"You're a dark little dude sometimes." Diego scoffed. 

"Ooh, what happened to your hand?" Fei asked in her soft but eery voice. 

"We don't have time for idle chitchat. Everyone, sit down." Ben clapped his hands together.

"'Please' would be nice." Diego snarled. Everyone sat down, with most of the groups on couches. Me and Five sat next to each other on one couch so that he could comfort me, and Diego and Lila sat next to him. Fei sat in a small bench-like seat with Sloane and Luther next to the bench on two chairs. Of course, Allison sat on the arm of a chair on the back side, across from where Ben was standing.

"No." Ben scoffed. 

"So, uh..." Luther started, clearing his throat. "This is kinda nice, right? All of us here together. One big happy family." He continued with a chuckle before leaning down to Sloane. "I feel like I'm sweaty. Am I sweating?" 

"No, you're fine." She softly assured him. 

"Look, I know there's been bad blood between us. Whatever. Bygones, right?" Ben finished for Luther's slower self who sat back down. Diego raised his hand like a little kid. "Question?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, if I kill you, do we get our Ben back?" Diego asked which made me and Five turn to look at him while Fei snickered. "Hypothetically." He sarcastically said. 

"Keep talking, and your hand won't be the only thing bleeding." Ben threatened. 

"Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I'd like to get back to a plan." Five gave a look to the two boys. 

"Where is he?" Viktor walked in holding Harlan's headphones. 

"Viktor." Allison looked down. 

"What did you do to Harlan?" Viktor looked at Ben. 

"They didn't do anything. I did. I killed Harlan." Allison admitted. 

"What... I... I don't... I don't understand. Why?" Viktor gave Allison a teary-eyed look. I groaned, knowing a fight was coming. Five grabbed my thigh to keep my calm, it was as if he'd read my mind.

"Because he didn't deserve to live." Allison darkly looked at Viktor.

"What? Because they said so? You don't have to listen to them." Viktor tried to reason while Ben sat between Diego and Five with cheese balls in his hand.

"20 bucks on the little one." Ben whispered before I reached across Five's lap to hit his knee.

"They don't get to tell us what to do." Viktor argued.

"I'll take that action." Five raised his eyebrows, betting with Ben before I squeezed Five's thigh in disapproval. 

"You coulda talked to me. We could've figured out something else." 

"So, what, you could lie to us again and take his side?" 

"That's not what happened."

"Oh, no, that's exactly what happened. I know Harlan killed all of our mothers." 

"What?" Diego widened his eyes. 

"Whoa." Luther commented.

"What?" Five asked. 

"Shit.." I muttered.

"Bloody plot twist." Lila blurted, taking another bite of her Twizzler.

"Who told you that?" Viktor asked.

"Harlan. After you lied about it to my face." Allison gave an angry look. 

"Is that true, Viktor? Harlan started all this?" Diego asked.

"Yeah, but he didn't mean to hurt anyone. He--" Viktor started again.

"How do you know?" Five formed a thin line with his mouth.

"He could've done it for revenge." I add.

"Because I knew him. And he was sweet and kind until I made him like us. Okay? So, I screwed him up. And if you need someone to blame, I'm right here--" Viktor shakily spoke again.

"What makes you think I don't?" Allison crossed her arms.

"This wasn't about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for--" Viktor stopped after Allison stood up.

"Go on. Say her name." Allison threatened. 

"You know what? Maybe we should all just take a minute-- Okay." Luther quickly stood up and went over to the two but sat back down when Allison put her hand in front of his face. 

"Did killing Harlan bring Claire back?" Allison continued. 

"Did protecting him bring Sissy back? It was just as personal for you--" 

"I didn't kill anyone!" Viktor turned the argument into shouting which made me anxious to where I had to start doing deep breathing. Five noticed and held my hand to help me stay calm. 

"But you risked everyone! Do you know what that felt like? Watching you fight harder to protect the man who helped destroy my daughter than you ever did to bring her back?" Allison looked down at Viktor. 

"I don't know how to bring Claire back." Viktor started, quieting down. Okay? No one does. But I was there for you. I tried. I was--"

"To what? Help me grieve? God, this whole family is so quick to tell me to suck up my pain and so worried about fixing yours! Somebody had to pay because you never seem to. Destroy the world, kill Pogo, almost kill me, and for what? So we can all run around and clean up your mess? I'm sick of it." She grit her teeth. 

"Take it easy, Allison." Five warned before Ben shushed him, clearly into this drama. 

"Okay, I--" Viktor started. 

"Shut your mouth!" Allison screeched and made Viktor's eyes turn white and his mouth close shut to where he couldn't breathe. 

"Allison." Luther yelled. 

"Every time I build a new life for myself, you end the world and take it from me!" Allison bent over and yelled at Viktor. 

"How are you doing this without saying, 'I heard a rumor'?" Five asked, clearly worried.

"Just a little residual gift from Harlan." Allison gave an evil look. 

"All right, that's it. Knock off the power shit, Allison. It's not okay!" Luther yelled at her. 

"We should have left you in the basement." Allison leaned over Viktor who was coughing.

"Whoa! Allison, all right!" Diego stood up and yelled before Viktor backhanded Allison, making her nose bleed. Everyone gasped while Five and I stood up. 

"You okay?" He asked Allison while Viktor speed-walked up the stairs. 

"I'm fine." She replied.

"Let's continue."

"Sweet. You guys fight just like us." Ben said in an amused tone.

"Nah, man. We don't fight like this." Diego sighed before everyone sat back down.


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