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When it was night time we went downstairs to the lobby/bar area to eat. I came down with Five because he wouldn't let me out of his sight. It was fine though, because I wasn't getting hurt.

"You should try chewing. You might actually taste the food." I heard Klaus say.

"I haven't eaten in days." Luther responded.

"What's wrong, you look happy?" Luther asked Five through a mouthful or noodles.

"I am plenty happy. I had a nap and shvitz, what does a man need?" Five said, as were hopped onto the barstools. 

"Brothers who don't eat like barn animals?" Klaus flicked his eyes at his brothers as they paused from eating with noodles in their mouths. 

"So I've been thinking through our little timeline snafu, and I'm pleased to report that in my professional, expert opinion, we are totally in the clear." Five picked up his chopsticks.

Haha, snafu




"Yeah. So everything's totally fine?"

"More or less. I mean, there is one... small thing. It's nothing we can't manage." Five paused

"So spit it out, Boomer!" Diego shouted

"Yeah spit it out!" I added, annoyed.

"Fine, Diego, it's like this. Dad didn't adopt us as babies, but those babies still existed here.


"We just grew up in different places with different people. So?"

"So where are they now?"

"Odds are, we each have identical versions of ourselves walking around out there, living completely different lives."


"Our doppelgängers!"

"That's a made-up word." Klaus said, rolling his eyes.

"No, no! I learned all about this in Texas. Tell him about the paranoid psychosis, Five." Luther said, seeming to know something.

"Paradox psychosis" I corrected Luther as Five looked at me, raising a brow.

"Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! I thought you said this wasn't a problem."

"Okay, yes, technically, if you're near your doppel for long, you'll go insane. So, if you see your other self--" Five was cut off by his brothers.

"Kill them." Diego added.

"Sleep with them." Klaus added after.

"Avoid them." Five said in a concerned tone.

"What is wrong with you?" Luther asked.

"Come on. As if you wouldn't climb Luther Mountain."

"Wait. How are we supposed to guarantee we don't cross paths with ourselves?"

"Easy. We're the Benetton ad of superheroes, born all around the world until Dad brought us here, which he no longer did. Doppels probably aren't even in the same time zone as us."

"That's true."

"Yeah. Would you pass the moo shu?" Five asked as I handed it to him.

"I don't know. Doesn't it seem kind of rude that Dad unadopting us didn't change anything? I'm offended."

"Hold up."

"I never said that, Klaus."

"I'll be right back." Diego said, looking at a girl peeking around the corner. I saw a knife in his chair. He then started running after her.

"How are we gonna know where it changed?"

The conversation continued on and on until we were done with our dinners. I went up to bed and got in before Five could. 


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