Day 2 & 4: Bloody Hands + "No, stop!"

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Hi guys 🥳 so there may be a drag in posting, depending on whatever my brain decides to do to cope. I was writing at like 4:30AM when my cat started crying. She'd developed cancer or something around a month or two ago and we didn't have the money to take her to the vet for treatment or to put her down, so we just took care of her as best as we could in hopes that she could get through it on her own. She fought really well, but she had a series of seizures for like 3 hours before she was finally able to pass. I was with her the whole time so hopefully she wasn't too scared about it :( she was my oldest cat so she was sassy, pretty old, and spiteful of death which is probably why she fought so hard lmao, Love her sm <3 we had a funeral for her so she's buried with some of my other cats, probably sassing them and telling them stories of her olden days trudging through the snow while me and my siblings made fun of her 😌 you can see her up there too ^^ she's so silly I love her 💀 (IDK HOW THE IMAGE THING ON HERE WORKS HELP)

With that being said, I'm still trying to get chapters written, and I'm still trying to write. Hopefully I don't drag behind too much 🧍‍♂️ whumptober days will be combined occasionally, either bc the plots work well together or I just don't have time to write separate ones bc I'm so far behind AYAFGAGA 🧍‍♂️

Anyways sorry for the mood drop, hopefully this chapter makes up for it (there will be a part two to this one too ;) I also hope you like the cryptidish/horrorish element to it 🔥)


Lots of blood mentions
Poison implications?
Dead bodies
Death kinda (not like, happening, but previously happened kinda thing yk)
I think that's it <3


Blood wasn't really a trigger for Sabre. He'd seen plenty of it, be it from himself or someone else. Often he was the cause for most of the spilled blood anyways. The only time it ever really bothered him was when a friend or ally of his got hurt enough to warrant his worry. (that's not to say that even a little scrape didn't make him worry just the slightest at least.)

But now, staring at the blood riddled forest, he felt sick. His stomach twisted and writhed at the sight of mangled bodies laying over branches and dead grass. Several steves lay scattered around, some quite literally. Dismembered and torn into as though some savage beast hunted them purely for sport, and honestly, he couldn't yet rule out that possibility. He knew what he was capable of; years of assassinating and defeating beings with powers tend to give you some higher set of skills than normal.

But the deeper he looked, the more insignificant he began to feel. He didn't know if these steves came together or got here at separate points in time, but if they did come together, and even they couldn't beat them with their powers, he was as good as useless.

He startled when something hit his shoulder lightly. He looked, seeing nothing and feeling his nerves spike. He crouched and stretched out a hand to grab a stick for some comfort of self defense. Something wet dripped onto his outstretched hand, and it didn't take his mind long to catch up with the steadily growing puddle on his hand that it was blood. His ears pinned against his head, feathers ruffling.

Slowly, with a gulp, he began looking up. The terrified, dull and lifeless eyes of a steve met his. He stood up slowly, stumbling back as the body fell to the ground with a gross squelch and crack. He tripped, falling back with a grunt. Taking a moment to close his eyes, even as the rational part of his brain screamed how much of a bad idea it was, he caught his breath. It tasted of copper and salt, and the faint taste of rot.

Sabre took one more breath before opening his eyes, avoiding the ones looking directly at him. He stood up, horrified at the amount of blood and dirt coating his hands. The ground he originally thought was moist from the harsh storm two days ago held a new feeling. That thought was replaced with a darker, morbid thought as he looked down properly, seeing just how much blood seeped out from the ground when he stepped. Seeing the way the bodies just kept going deeper in the forest made him wonder if it was as blood soaked as he thought it was.

His ears ruffled again, tail-feathers picking up off the floor unconsciously. He knew he needed to investigate, that he'd told the nearby village that he would, but he couldn't. This was far beyond his abilities, and he hadn't even seen or heard what it was to go in with any precautions ready. He had no sword, no bow, no armor. No backup either.

With that, he carefully began backtracking, facing the bloody forest the whole time until he was out. Then he turned, marching back and trying to shove down the urge to run away like a coward. He could see a few villagers coming to check on him as promised, weary and with little gear, but there. He waved to them, grimacing at their grimaces, remembering his unfortunate fall just a second ago.

One yelled something he couldn't quite catch, pointing at him and riling up the others. He opened his mouth to call back, but only managed to scream as something coiled around his middle and began to drag him back. He grabbed at the slightly slimy tendril, digging his talons into it and pounding his fist against it. The pounding of his heartbeat paired with his frantic breathing almost muted the panicked shouts of the distant growing steves.

He turned his head, gaping in horror at the disgusting amalgamation of a spider, much larger than the typical mob spider. Its eyes bore into his own, piercing through the dark of the forest as its long, tentacle-like tongue kept pulling him in. He dug his talons in deeper, scratching them along the slimy appendage in the hopes it would let go. High-pitched, panicked trills escaped him as he writhed, clawing at fresh wounds and creating new ones. The spider remained unaffected, pulling him past the tree line and deeper into the woods. He could see the bloody bodies of more steves as he passed, deeper and deeper into the trees. The spider was spread across its web, which held more bodies of steves and animals.

"No, stop! Please, let me go!" he yelled, digging his talons into the slimy flesh of its tongue again and frantically clawing lines deeper and deeper, like he was trying to fray and snap a rope. It hissed behind him, the tongue writhing against his body as it coiled tighter. Sabre wheezed, gasping for proper air and struggling more. He could see the steves breaching the treeline before the tongue unraveled itself and blocked his view momentarily. He was pushed into something, held off the ground a good few feet.

Gravity had him feel like he was dangling slightly, and he immediately made the mistake of trying to pry the webs off. They stuck to his skin and talons, restricting him further the more he struggled. Arrows flew past, some striking the web, some striking the bodies of long dead steves. A few hit the spider, but it merely hissed and remained focused on its newest toy.

It crept closer, opening its small mouth, the flesh tearing as it stretched it further open than it was meant to go. An almost clear, green tinted liquid dripped down one of its fangs as it hissed one final time. Then it pounced, jabbing its fangs into his thigh. Sabre only managed a strangled shriek as the pain immediately began coursing through him, and then it was dark.


These are gonna be out of order too probably cuz my brain picks and chooses from the prompts depending on which ones sound more juicy at that time so 🧍‍♂️ anyways ye part two fairly soon ish maybe idk 🥳

Hope you enjoyed ;3

Words: 1025

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