If You Must

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YAYAYA ALMOST IMMEDIATE OTHER UPDATE 😼 there's two versions in this cuz I didn't like the first one much, felt pretty out of character, but at the same time I can see him saying this so HEHE :3

Talk of death
Death (in the second one)
Blood (in the second one)
Not very detailed injuries (in the second one)

"If you must die, I'll envy the earth that wraps your body."

Time looked over at the player, eyes wide. Sabre didn't look back, keeping his head turned away. The steve pursed his lips, his brow furrowing as he looked back out to the sky. Sure, he was hurt and pretty sick, but he had high hopes. He didn't feel bad enough for it to go that far, but he understood where the player was coming from. He knew Sabre had a lot of issues regarding people suddenly dying or leaving him, and he wasn't planning on adding to the list if he could help it.

Still, it was rather surprising hearing something so depressing and.. oddly poetic, from the typically cheerful and upbeat brunette.
The taller scooted closer, tugging the player into his side. Sabre sighed tiredly, leaning into him easily.

"I'll be sure that time won't come for a long, long while, if at all."
Alt Ver:

The rain poured harshly as the wind whipped around, trees swaying with the force, the loud sounds of leaves rustling almost drowned out by the even louder sound of the violent downpour.

Sabre stood under it all, watching as the life slowly drained from his companions eyes. He fell to his knees, ignoring the way mud splashed around him and his knees stung from the impact, and the cuts. He pulled Rainbow into his lap as best as possible, snapping himself out of it enough to wipe the mud from his hands as much as he could and pressed one to the gushing hole through his friend's body, the other holding him close. His stomach lurched at the fact he could somewhat see the grass under the steve.

It was nothing he hadn't seen before. He'd seen countless people be killed in several gruesome and brutal ways, not to mention the acts he'd committed himself. Yet, this time, it was so very different, just like it is every time he watches a companion he cherished die.

Rainbow wasn't ready, if the scared look in his dulling eyes and the way he weakly gripped Sabre was anything to go by. Sabre wasn't ready either. He'd lost so many already, they were finally doing good! Why does everything he works so hard for have to be taken from him over, and over, and over?! When will the cycle end?

A tug on his arm tore him from his thoughts and he focused back on the face of his partner.

"Sabre- Sabre I-.. I.." Rainbow stuttered, fumbling for words as he gripped Sabre's arm a little tighter.

"It's okay, it's fine. We'll- we'll get you somewhere and- and get you patched up! And you'll- you'll be okay!"

The players heart fell at the somber smile Rainbow gave him, already knowing what was coming. He'd gone through this so many times, yet he never knew what to really say or do, every time.

"Sabre, I'm not.. I know, and-.. And you know I can't come back from this.." Rainbow wheezed, coughing harshly and groaning at the blood that spluttered out. Sabre shook his head, refusing to accept any of this. His gaze flicked over to the already dead steve across from them. The one that dealt one last fatal blow to the more colorful steve before he was struck down himself.

Rainbow followed his gaze, blinking sluggishly, and Sabre already knew what was going to happen.

"Is he dead..?" Rainbow asked quietly, just barely audible above the violent rain.

"No, just unconscious. I can see him breathing," he smiled, ripping the steves gaze away from the definitely dead one on the ground. Rain didn't need to know, it would tear him apart, and he didn't need that. Especially not now of all times.

"Oh, good.. Sabre, I- I'm.." he trailed off, looking up to the brunette dazedly. Sabre looked down at him, his head being the only thing keeping the rain from his friends face.

"I know.. I know."

His voice wavered, breaking at the end when Rain flashed him another apologetic smile.

"Don't- don't say anything, please. It's okay, i-it's fine." Sabre whispered, leaning his face down a little more as his lip began to quiver. He hiccuped softly, his heart squeezing at the tears forming in Rain's own eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself, pleas.." he trailed off, the light in his eyes finally dying. The light grip he had on Sabre's arm loosened, slipping off and falling to the grass with a small splash.

"I'm sorry, too. I'm so- so sorry you were pushed into this stupid- this stupid role you didn't ask for. I-I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess because of me and my- my stupid decisions," Sabre sobbed, pulling his hand off Rainbow's wound to cup his face. He brushed a thumb under his friends dull eye, no longer swirling with every color of the rainbow, before closing them both, lifting his face to allow the rain to wash away the blood smeared behind.

"It wasn't your time, and you were taken far too early. And, if you must die, I'll envy the earth that wraps your body."


L bozos HAHAHA

I never do things with Rainbow/Orange anymore, I feel like this is a sin. I'll repent, dw 😔

Words: 874
Time: Idk ;3

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