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HI IT'S BEEN LIKE DAYS I HOPE YOU HAVENT STARVED YET 🔥 anyways Whumptobers here so yk what that means?! WHUMP WOW WHO COULD'VE GUESSED OMG 😱

Hehe anyways :3 I've been trying to catch up on days I've missed and so far I am failing horrendously so that's 🤌 lovely, definitely. Definitely not agonizing or anything AUUH

Anyways x2 I didn't know if I should make another book with Whumptober entirely since it's a mix of RQ and SS n stuffs sooo ;p i feel like it'll get more traction on my already posted books cuz this fandom is dying which IS agony and I am gonna bawl UHUHU ;-;

ANYWAYS x3 I found a random list on Google and ran away with it so they're random and ye hope you enjoy teehee :3

Stabbing, clearly 🧍‍♂️
References of old and various kinds of wounds
Loss of mind? Idk bro went crazy, he got too silly your honor
Potentially wrong medical treatment, I'm not a doctor and I used researched information soo hopefully it's not too inaccurate 🧍‍♂️
Think that's it 🦅


You'd think that being an assassin got you fairly used to the various wounds you'd get in fights, not to mention the work of fighting powered up beings after all of that. Arrow wounds, burn wounds, frostbite patches, bad bruises, and most of all stabbing. But when you get a long break from all of that work, perhaps your body forgets the feeling and how to deal with it again so suddenly. At least, that's Sabre's train of thought as he stares down at the knife currently lodged in his side as a crazed steve mutters mad ramblings in his ear.

It doesn't hurt as much as he knows it's going to later, the adrenaline and dazed feeling he feels from the suddenness of it all blocking most of the pain momentarily. It hurts, boy does it hurt, especially with the way the steve keeps trying to shove it further and further in. Sabre hardly registers the way he moves to yank the steves hair and shove them to the ground, old instincts kicking in even as his mind fights to get through the haze of confusion.

He can hear the clanking of armor as guards rush over, and the stinging of the air on his new open wound begins to shove its way to the front of his mind. He stumbles back, blinking and setting a hand over the steadily bleeding cut. It hurts, oh man does it hurt, but he presses his hand to it anyways. The guards posted at the front of the citadel reach him, one helping his steady himself while the other wrenches the knife from the mad steves hand and restrains him.

He nods when he's asked if he has medical supplies in his house, quickly being led inside so he can sit and point the guard to the correct room. The guard comes back shortly, bandages and cleaning supplies in hand. Sabre figures he shouldn't be too surprised when the guard swiftly gets to work, pressing gauze to the wound and wiping any surrounding blood they could to get a better view of what they were working with.

The guard had him press as hard as he could with the gauze while they took off their helmet and gloves, instead switching them to medical gloves to avoid any potential dirt or grime from their armor. They shifted Sabre into a lying position, setting the couch pillows under his lower back to raise the wound above his heart, and helping him get his knees up with a few more pillows to help with the shock. Then they quickly changed their gloves again at the realization that they touched more things that could be dirty.

They took over holding the gauze, letting the Green Leader take over when he and Light rushed in. Green Leader had Light ask Sabre questions to keep him as awake as possible while he worked, finishing not too long after. Sabre, now shirtless and wrapped in fresh bandages, rolled over to face the couch, finally given the go-ahead to sleep now that he was stable. Light laid a blanket over the player and adjusted the pillows under him as carefully as possible while the Leader closed the curtains and the guard set the medical supplies together on the table in a neater pile just in case and grabbed their belongings.

They turned the lights off and left quietly, Light and Green planning to check in every 30 minutes to every hour just to be sure.
I'm hopping from WIP to WIP and prompt to prompt please help I'm losing my mind 🔥 I need sleep bruh AUU :3

Anyways I've got more ready, some longer WIPs (like fr one of them is so much longer than I thought it would be. It's an SS one and good lord I didn't think it would be as long as it is and it's still not even done wtf 😭)


Words: 585
Time: idk I'm jumping from story to story so uh maybe an hour give or take idk ☺️

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