Burned into Flesh and Memories

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The original title was Burned into Memories and Skin but I feel like this rolled better :^

ANYWAYS HELLO HII HOWDY 🥳 I wrote this in class and only got a very, very fitful like hour of sleep but again, sleep deprivation to a degree does something to the little skill-less writer in me so I actually kinda like the way this one turned out :D

If you can't tell, I love doing things with Sabre and Time (and occasionally Dark) back at the village they lived in for a bit. Augh it's just so sweet and auuauauua :,( I hate these stupid idiots they make my heart ache

Wild thoughts ? Idk how to phrase it :)
Spiraling thoughts
Thoughts of being burnt
Flashbacks in a way but like no detail at all lmao
Uhh think that's it :3


Baking, something Time enjoyed a lot. Whether he was doing it as a coping mechanism, making treats for his friends, or just because. It's something he'd done early on since they'd met. Something that Sabre always found endearing and loved watching him do. How precise the steve was with everything, even as he multitasked. How excited the steve would be when he'd created or tried a new recipe and wanted Sabre to try it.

Sabre often found himself sitting at the table, watching the taller with a fond expression as they chatted about their day and things they planned on doing. He would offer his help here and there, and oftentimes Time would politely decline, saying he had it and for the player to just sit back and relax. Sabre would never push it, only make it known that he was there to help if needed, and sometimes he was. Be it for grabbing a certain item Time had forgotten or measuring something out.

He never touched the smoker though. Something neither of them thought too hard about, given Time was always the one cooking and sometimes kicked the others out to have his 'sweet precious baby' to himself. Honestly, Sabre couldn't help but envy the relationship Time had with his (their) kitchen. But he'd never admit it, that was far too silly to be envious of.

Something Time did notice was that Sabre often waited until his food held almost no warmth, or until the plate had long since lost its heat. Often, Time would find himself reminding the player to eat before it got too cold to be good, and the player would perk and say something along the lines of 'oh, right' before grabbing his plate carefully and thanking Time again. He found it odd, but just figured it was a personal preference. An odd one, sure, but the player was pretty quirky to begin with, so he couldn't say he was too surprised.

Time couldn't help but feel like he should have known it could have been from some other reason. Should have paid attention to the way the brunette would shy away from things too warm for his liking, even when Time himself felt it was fine. He'd chalk it up to more personal preference, and the face he spent most his time near the smoker enough to be used to it anyways. And that his ignorance led them to the situation they were in now.

Sabre stared at the silver-haired steve in amusement as he rushed around the kitchen. He'd been talking Sabre's ears off about a few new recipes he'd thought of or found, and was eager to try. He'd only gotten this excited over a set of recipes twice before, and both times Sabre found himself stuck trying a bunch of different things, picking and pointing out what tasted good, what needed something more, and what was just hopeless.

This mood often led to Time running in and out to grab things from the villagers, furiously grabbing out bowls and measuring instruments. Sabre would sit on the couch or at the table to stay out of the excited mans way as he watched with fond amusement. Rarely does he get up during this mode Time goes into, only if necessary, and he always makes sure the other is somewhere where Sabre won't interrupt.

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